RE: [NetEpic ML] 5.0 review
My foremost consern is with the upcomming armylists. For instance I know
that here in Norway there is a lot of dissatisfaction with Chaos, and that
will cloud our objectivness when we come to that list! IMHO, the only way to
secure a fair share of objectivness in this type of discussion, is to play
each and every army over a period of time. My guess is that most of us
active list members can't get enough playing time, then to change rules
again and again will leed us to discussing rules again and again, rather
than discussing strategy and tactics!
So when I see dark clouds cathering in the horizon, and feel we have made a
wrong turn I must speak my mind! It is not my intention to be reactionistic,
however I strongly feel that many of the changes sugessted thus far has not
improved the game, but rather the oposite! And I fear for some of the more
controversial rules in some of the armylists.
Anybody think the Wind Rider Host is to cheap??? Don't like Freecards???
Think Chaos Cards are to powerfull??? Dont like pulse lasers??? Think Squat
preatorians are to cheap??? If Yes in any of the above or similar questions,
ask yourself how would I feel about this rule if I played this army????
On the up side, this type of discussions generally leads to a lot of traffic
on the list, which is fun!
Received on Tue May 14 2002 - 10:15:16 UTC
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