My point excactly!
Due to this revision these discussions are bound to surface again!
-----Original Message-----
From: darius spano [mailto:dmanspano_at_...]
Sent: 14. mai 2002 13:56
To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] 5.0 review
Haven't we had this discussion before? Squats have
expensive troops, cheap praetorians and low mobility.
Eldar are also quite limited in the quantity of troops
with quality. Tyranid titans are more evil than
Imperial titans, I'd rather be able to regenerate than
have shields that can't come back---for 600 pts you
can take a kick-butt Hierophant. I think it is all
relative. The only armies that suffer are the newer
one like Slann/Necron because they are under public
scrutiny of fairness.
I don't care about the Wynd Host or Chaos cards or
even Squat Praetorians (I play Squats, Space Marines
and Orks)when I play against them. I can outmanuever a
Colossos because it is slow, fire the hell out of the
Wynd Host and then assault it (broke one on the first
turn--no big deal) and with Chaos cards I find that
most people use them to save their deamons.
I'd say leave the points as they are.
--- jyrki.saari_at_... wrote:
> [snip]
> > Anybody think the Wind Rider Host is to cheap???
> Yes.
> > Don't like
> > Freecards???
> Nope.
> > Think Chaos Cards are to powerfull???
> For free perks, yes.
> > Dont like pulse
> > lasers???
> I have nothing against them. I hate gutbusters. :)
> > Think Squat
> > preatorians are to cheap???
> Yes, and I also think Great gargant chassis is too
> cheap.
> > If Yes in any of the above or
> > similar questions,
> > ask yourself how would I feel about this rule if I
> played
> > this army????
> >
> I have both Eldar and Squat armies in addition to IG
> and Space Marine armies.
> > On the up side, this type of discussions generally
> leads to a
> > lot of traffic
> > on the list, which is fun!
> >
> > Nils
> >
> >
> These kinds of things are exactly what I feel this
> list is for, _in addition_ to the discussion of
> strategy and tactics. Net Epic list was originally
> created to make the Space Marine more playable and
> to take out the bugs in the system. This still
> continues. Since there are controversial issues in
> the armylists and rules our work is not yet done.
> These issues keep popping up again and again, and
> IMO something must be done with them. If a day comes
> whe there's no change any more it means either that
> the game is as close to perfect as can be or the
> list is dead.
> Jyrki Saari
> -There is no such thing as free lunch because eating
> takes time and time is money.
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