What army do Assassins fall under? Imperial Guard only or general
---> General Imperial, they form their own department within the
Are the Slaan a 40K race? Version 4 has the Necrons as a slave race
the Slaan - is there any reason we should follow GW and make them a
separate army? Well, other than that they're pretty cool-looking.
---> The Slann WERE a 40k race, but like Squats they were obliterated in
editions after Rogue Trader. In this regard we keep our background. The
Necron are a slave race of the Slann and we've never had much of an
inclination of following GW in this. Also keep in mind that our Necron
army list and slann background pre-dates the GW ones by a couple of
Are the Tau and Kroot one army list or should I designate them as two?
---> They are one army.
Are Chaos Squats a separate army or part of the Chaos Army list?
----> Yes, but the chaos army needs an organizational overhaul. As it
stands it's really 3 armies (CSM, Demonic hordes and Cultists) and we'll
takes steps to separate them.
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Received on Mon May 20 2002 - 19:22:06 UTC