Re: [NetEpic ML] Epic A: should we say someting?

From: <deaconblue3_at_...>
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 12:32:36 -0400

--->Perhaps you are right, but I cut the metal strips from battletech
for the slann and didn't find it too easy. We'll see.

-->I have some of those B-Tech minis. The metal is difficult to work
with I agree. But GW uses a cheaper, softer metal than did Ral Partha.
It is easier to cut and work with than what Ral Partha put out in the
80's and 90's. This is true for all of Ral Partha's lines, as I have
many of their Colonial ranges (Brits, Boers, Zulus, Pathans, etc), and
they can be a pain to convert and such.

silly Q for Peter: Who's more cantankerous: GreyTalkers or NetEpicers?
--->Greytalkers hands down. You say something Heretical there like FR is
a better campaign setting and you be roasted alive <chuckle>!

-->Just checking. 8) I've been roasted a few times on GT, and have
roasted a few there as well. It's where I hone my razor sharp wit. 8)

Josh R

"No matter where you go, there you are." B.Bonzai
Received on Thu Jul 18 2002 - 16:32:36 UTC

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