If I remember correctly, my option, which seemed favored in the poll
(gosh that felt like a political pitch, I feel so...dirty...) was:
Each greater demon that comes within 50cm of another greater demon its
opposed to roll a d6, on a 4+ the demon and ALL its attached cards
attack the hated demon in question.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jarreas Underwood [mailto:jarreas_at_...]
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 11:12 AM
To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Chaos animosity
>I don't remind how we finally set animosity for Chaos... someone could
please remind me the full rule? =)
Option A: Each turn roll a D6 for every Greater Daemon - on 4+ it must
attack the nearest enemy Greater Daemon (one from another Power).
Option B: Every turn roll a D6 for each Power you're fielding - if any
of the numbers match, those all Greater Daemons from those Powers must
attack each other. More detail and a breakdown of the statistics can be
found in the current 5.X Chaos Army Book.
Opinions? Other suggestions?
|~ . o o . :;: () -0- o o .
|~ ^
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