RE: [NetEpic ML] Squat Miniatures

From: <nils.saugen_at_...>
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 15:51:43 +0100

Infantry is always a bit of a hassel to get hold of. Especially squats.....

A couple of examples:

Dvarwen x-bom men and handgunners.... These minis are quite cheap but the
quality isn't all that good either.

Or New small units of Kurita/Davion infantry for Battletech

I've done business with both these dealers and have had no problems what so


-----Original Message-----
From: Deda [mailto:crystalmir_at_...]
Sent: 10. november 2003 15:09
Subject: [NetEpic ML] Squat Miniatures

Here I am again!

Are there some alternative squat minaitures around, or I just have to hope
to win some big EBay auction?!? My old army is made up of:
- 1x Colossus
- 1x Cyclops
- 1x Hellbore
- 1x Land Train (4 battlecars)
- 3x Overlord
- 2x Goliath
- 6x Land Raider
- 6x Rhino
- 12x Iron Eagle
- A single Infantry box (maximized... that is, one bike x stand).

I already planned to buy 4 Hydra AA guns to proxy the TF Cannons.

I don't have too much problems about vechicles as you can see, but when it
comes to infantry and light artillery it's a real pain...

 * Deda *

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