Tau army list

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Fri, 02 Jan 2004 18:11:15 -0400


I'm resending this post with attached tables in PDF format since the
original message lost the format due to sending it in plain text.


I'm resending this post since the original in plain text will come out
with all the tables "screwy".


This is the Tau army list that has been available for download at:


Here is the list with my commentary.

Like other armies the TAU army is limited to 5 Support Cards and one
Special Card per company level card fielded. However, you may not
combine TAU and KROOT units. Only TAU support cards may be added to TAU
company cards and vice versa.

The KROOT have a slightly different army structure. When a KROOT Support
Card is added to the company, instead of having a separate break point
the total company break point and victory points are increased. These
formations make all break tests and morale checks as a group and not

>>>Is it necessary to have kroot company cards? Can't all kroot be
support as so the fluff suggests?

These are the TAU core army trooper. They have the same strenght and
endurance as a IG Grunt. However their lack of depth vision and slow
reflexes makes them poorer close combat troops. The TAU prefer to keep their
enemy at an arms lenght , relying on their superior firepower to do the job.
(Minis: UNSC power armour infantry from GZG)

The Tau fire warriors rely on drones to boast their firepower or to give
them extra protection. For each Fire Warrior detachment in your army,
you may purchase one drone upgrade. Note that you may not select to give
any one detachment more than one upgrade! The Drones are counted as
support cards.
Gun Drone, if you purchase this upgrade you may fire one additional shot
for every stand in your detachment. If a stand is killed you
automatically loose the extra attack for that stand. Note that the
drones do not add to the breakpoint of the unit, however they will
increase the victory points for that detachment.
Shield Drone, if you purchase this upgrade the detachment will receive
an extra saving throw from ranged attacks. Whenever a stand is hit and
killed you may roll 1d6 on a roll of 5 or 6 the stand is saved! Note
that this saving throw is fixed.

>>>Should drones be upgrades or support cards?

These troops are the eyes and ears of the TAU army. They move onto the
battlefield in front of the main army. They are armed with Pulse
Carbines/marklights. The pathfinders can chose to either fire at an
enemy unit or to use the marklight. If they use the marklight chose a
target and fire as normal. If you score a hit place an
order marker (upside down) beside that unit. For the remainder of that
turn, any other TAU (Not Kroot) unit firing at the marked enemy unit may
add +1 to their to hit roll.
(Mminis Eldar or IG infantry or UNSC infanty from GZG)

>>>Should they have a stealth capacity like eldar scouts or deployment
ability like SM scouts?

The TAU Commanders and the best Fire Warriors use this battlesuits in
combat. The suit is the TAU equivalent of the Tactical Dreadnought
Armour. The battlesuit is equippet wit several weapon systems and Jump
packs. The
TAU Jump packs are more advanced than their imperial counterparts.

These are the heavy support units of the TAU army, the Broadside is
equippet with a pair of very powerfull Rail Guns and a smart missile rack.

These troopers are regarded as loners and excentrics by the TAU. The
operate in small squads behind the enemy line. Stealt battlsuits are
equipped with a burst cannon or a mark light. The mark light has the
same stats as for the Pathfinders. Stealth troupers can infiltrate.

>>>No comments on these.

The Etherals are the ruling caste of the TAU society. They command the
utter devotion, loyalty and sacrifice of the TAU.

Powers: All TAU (Not Kroot) units within 10cm of the TAU Etheral are
completely immune to all types of moraletests, and never receive
fallback orders. All other TAU units within LOS may add +1 to their
moral rolls.
However, if the TAU Etheral is killed, all TAU units within LOS must
make an immediate morale check or go on fallback orders.



This is the workhorse of the TAU army Skimmer, may carry 2 stands.

This is the TAU MBT. Built on the sucsessfull Devilfish Consept exchanging
the cearrying capacity for more heavy Armour/weaponry.


What it is unit, where does function does the vehicle called "tiger
shark" have?

These are actually Space ships, may times the size of a Thunderhawk. It
is armed with extremely long range Rail Gun and use ion Cannon
batteries for medium range attacks. It is a pretorian size skimmer, and
may carry a full
company of TAU Fire warriors and their Devilfish transports.


These barbaric, cannibalistic, aliens, are the TAU empires closest ally.
They are used as assault troops by the TAU commanders.

All KROOT are basically different evolutions of the same species, some
(THE KROOT CARNIVORES) are more successful than others (KROTOX and KROOT

The KROOT have the special ability of selective mutation. They eat their
enemies and assimilate the part of the enemies DNA that will make them
evolve faster. Which part of their enemies they should devour and
assimilate, are defined by the KROOT Shapers (Elders). Strange, barbaric
and terrifying opponents, all KROOT may
add 1d6 to their close combat when fighting in woods.
(Minis: Kra'Vakinfantry from GZG)

KROOTS are by nature very unruly and stubborn creatures and they need a
strong presence to order them properly, this presence is exemplified by
the KROOT SHAPER (Elder). In order for a KROOT formation to receive
orders, it must be within 10cm of a SHAPER at the beginning of the
orders phase.

When KROOT formations are outside the command radius (10cm) they revert
to their instinctive behaviour, and will not shoot, but move towards the
nearest enemy at up to their normal rate and will fight close combat

>>>No comments.

All comments welcome.


Received on Fri Jan 02 2004 - 22:11:15 UTC

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