Re: [NetEpic ML] Re: Tempest Companies

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Wed, 06 Apr 2005 19:35:45 -0400

Brian Dean wrote:

>I and T'oma both played this person, and there were no less than 3
>tempest companies. It was sick, you coulndt easily touch him and
>not to mention, 3 phantoms, a warlock and a pair of revanants, and a
>little bit of normal "conventional support" . And what got my
>proverbial goat was no infantry at all.
>Sorry about the diatribe, but in an openion,, it was a broken army
>to our respects. Blatently using the rules in such an advantage
>that he was terrible hard to beat.
>I agree with T'oma, or add this,, only one company card of tempests
>to be fielded by the player, but still adding normal support cards.
>This represents that tempests are still kind of rare and a valuable
>resource for the eldar.
>just an idea,,,, Brian

I've faced this army before, it is simple to be though, depending on the

The easiest is with SM, you can select the balanced for of your choice,
just use T-hawks or drop pods to place the infantry in his baseline of
the first turn. The most original use of this was a player who t-hawked
a couple of devastator detachments to the eldar players baseline and
shoot at the tempests from behind, remember the -2 rear armor penalty,
add its normal -1 and you have a -3 modifier!

Squats - just use a biker company to stike deeply and fast, not to
mention thunderers on first fire, with 3 die per stand odds are you get
quite a few of them before they duck back in cover.

Tyranids, a couple of detachments of biovores will make the eldar player
either move those tempest (thus losing the pop-up advantage) or suffer
its high save modifier, not to mention using one or two detachments of
lictors who with their infiltration ability (and not being able to fire
at them when more than 25cms away) will reek havoc on those tempests.

IG, a roughrider company should do it, then again, for every tempest
company you can bring MORE shadow swords and pick him off with that
lovely -4 modifier.

I have to agree with Jar. How is this different from all bloodletter
chaos armies, all thunderer squat armies, full drop pod t-hawk supported
SM armies?

I know how to beat all these armies with balanced forces from any army.
His Tempest army is pretty brittle with no infantry and my tactics
outlined above would be EXTREMELY easy to do successfully against him.

So the question is, is it REALLY unbalance (its worth 900 points), or is
it a matter of not having thought on how to handle this army through
conventional means?

Could you guys discuss more in depth exactly what this person fielded,
what you guys fielded and what was done during the battle?

 From my personal experience I find such eldar armies very brittle
against balanced well played armies.

Lets talk about this more, since its a very interesting topic!

Received on Wed Apr 06 2005 - 23:35:45 UTC

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