But they're out there. The contention that such things be put on hiatus since models may or may not exist, even if more in keeping with the feel of the Tau and what is coming out as canon and instead kludge concepts off HG or CAV figs...well I guess in that vein we should place the Imperial Guard on hiatus. I certainly haven't seen a recent Leviathan or Capitol Imperialis and could be hard pressed to find and old model. For that matter, there is no Dropship model either (well...there is the vehicle dropship for the Marines in current Epic: Apocolypse). Or for that matter the Unicorn for the Eldar. Whoops! Better put that brand new Beta book on hold too!
Forgive if I'm a bit coarse and tongue in cheek. What I get for being an Ole Sergeant. However, some of these Tau models exist, and others could be pending. Heck, they're making an Eldar super-heavy Deathspinner arty unit (Doomweaver) and a super heavy troop carrier (mobile wraithgate) for Stormwind. So it is not beyond reason and certainly not dismiss out of hand the other non-Titan option/position out there. Hell, there is an Epic Orca model out there and most of those designs I mentioned are based on the Orca. I'm sure most out here and talented enough to mod the base design.
Win the Mind, Win the Day
Airborne All The Way
-------------- Original message --------------
> --- In netepic_at_yahoogroups.com, Morgan_Keyes_at_c... wrote:
> > Probably even odds that Forgeworld will put together some minis for
> these designs. So far they've done the Manta, two recon/light-duty
> skimmers (Pirahna and Tetra), drone sentry turrets, and Hammerhead
> variants (twin long-barrelled burst cannons, twin missile pods, twin
> plasma guns, and twin fusion guns).
> >
> ...and gorgeous models they are too.
> To field a NetEpic army of 'em at the levels I play I'd need to
> pay...ah...
> ...plus shipping....
> $6,5000.
> Not kidding.
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Received on Wed Apr 13 2005 - 04:26:08 UTC