----- Original Message -----
From: "Kelvin" <kx.henderson_at_...>
To: <netepic_at_egroups.com>
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2000 6:35 PM
Subject: [NetEpic ML] Re: Net Epic Revision: Titans
> At 06:19 PM 3/6/00 -0500, Hellreich wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>>
> >>> If we make the Destructor and Cannon drop shields, no one will take
> them. I
> >>> certainly won't. I like them as is. I have caved in to the pressure!
> >>> guys the slant is to leave as is. Still say you should be able to move
> >>> maybe just half your normal distance but not fire other weapons
> >>
> >
> Nah. I think the rules for the Destructor and Cannon as they stand are
> good, really. Shoot the Destructor, you cause such a drain on the reactor
> you can't fire other weapons this turn, suffer a CAF penatly and you can't
> the next turn. But if you DO fire you get 6 of the deadliest shots
> in the game. Real tank killers. Harsh trade off, but often worth it
> I've wiped out entire SuperHeavy Companies with the Destructor. I've
> an Imperator with one (yes, the shields were down). I lost the Warlord to
> enemy close assault, but the trade-off was definately worth it.
> >
> >>
> >>>
> >>> >> 13.Multi-launcher, if you played AT you know this is NOTHING like
> >>> >> predecessor, it just plain sucks. I say either give it a save
> modifier of -1
> >>> >> or extra templates to earn its points.
> >>>
> >>> Very, very, very true. I'd support this whole heartedly. I'd give the
> >>> multilauncher a -1 save modifier to balance it out. >>!! boo just give
it 2
> >>> templates, for this is a anti infanrty weapon and should stay that way
> >>> dose every Titan weapon have to have a TSM
> >>
> >
> But they don't. Look at the LasBlaster, Inferno Gun and Vulcan
> They are worth taking as they can do serious damage to enemy infantry and
> have TSMs. Look at the way the Multi-Launcher is. It sucks. Even if it
> two templates, I still wouldn't take it. But if it had the -1TSM, I'd
> seriously consider it. A -1TSM doesn't make that huge a difference
(except if
> you're a NetEpic Space Marine....). I like the change to the -1TSM.
>>> big deal 3 weapons but the weekist one is a template and that negates
cover. And the others are close range, this one shoots across the whole
battle feild. And now you want to make it a Light tank killer too. Cheese
factor coming on. Then fine give it 3 templates but then only allow it to
shoot every other turn. For at this rate, me and Peter need to change the
cost of the Slann Titan, cause you are going to make the warlord stronger
then the Impreator.
> -Kelvin....
> ============================================
> "Of course I'm paranoid!
> Everyone's trying to kill me."
> ============================================
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Received on Tue Mar 07 2000 - 01:07:10 UTC