warprat <warpra-_at_...> wrote:
original article:
> Hi Peter and Butch!
> I don't have any problem with Heavy Bolters having 2 attack dice, or a
> -1 TSM. I would like the range to stay at 15cm, if this is a
> weapon. Half the number of standard bolters, and a -1 TSM, fine by
> Because of thier heavy nature, however, these weapons should not be
> to fire in First Fire when charged in Close Combat, as normal Bolters
> do, regardless of the vehicles orders.
> Warprat ;)
Yah, I definitely think all of the defensive bolters should be of the
15cm 6+ no save mod variety (Rhinos, LR, Superheavies). But, I'd like
to still see things like attack bikes, nobz warbikes etc have a better
deal than that, but would not get the auto CC defense. If you want to
avoid confusion, call all the ones that are going to be different
"Misc.HvyWeapons" on the charts or something. Sorta like the exarchs
"artifacts" - whether the bikes have meltas, hvy bolters, grenade
launchers, whatever it's all pretty much the same in game terms.
But after all, isn't the variety part of the reason we're here
discussing this instead of exclusively playing E40K ? :)
Received on Sat Apr 01 2000 - 05:15:07 UTC