RE: [NetEpic ML] Re: Polls and Imperial Guard

From: <nils.saugen_at_...>
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2000 11:28:14 +0200


This is the deathstrike missile rules we use.
Deathstrike Tactical Missile Launcher
Thse are a battery of computerized missiles with multiple warhead types. Due
to their nature they have the following special rules:

1. They can only be fired on First Fire orders.
2. After being fired the missile moves up to 35 cm in each first fire
3. The missile may make up to 2 turns each round. Any one turn can not
exceed 45 degrees.
4. The missile has enough fuel for 4 turns, after which it must select
a target or crash at the end of its movement.
5. The missile may select any target at any point during its move.
6. These missiles never scatter, no LOS is needed from the launch
vehicle to the target.
7. Due to their size and speed only AA guns may target the missile and
incurs a -2 penalty to hit.
8. These are one shot weapons; a detachment has three total shots.

Three types of warheads may be selected at the beginning of the battle:
Barrage Missile, Harpoon, and Warp Missile. These warheads follow the same
rules as the Titan missiles of the same name (see Titans in Tech-Guard


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Ramos [SMTP:pramos2_at_...]
> Sent: 1. april 2000 03:49
> To:
> Subject: [NetEpic ML] Re: Polls and Imperial Guard
> Hi!
> > Hi Peter!
> >
> > I love these Polls, democracy in action. Even if the vote doesn't go
> > your way, ya gotta love it!
> >
> > Changes:
> >
> > 1) Sentinals, allow to move over rough terain as normal.
> > 2) Eliminate Ordinatus Vehicles as an Imperial Guard unit.
> > They should be Tech Guard only.
> > 3) Reduce the cost of the Capitol Imperialis to 500pts.
> > 4) Robots move as Infantry.
> I can live with most but number one. I still think most units but infantry
> should be restricted.
> > 5) Deathsrikes:
> > A) Use Nils Rules. Nils, please post these!
> I remember those somewhat they sounded good, post them again please!
> Peter
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Received on Mon Apr 03 2000 - 09:28:14 UTC

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