Re: [NetEpic ML] Eldar and Orks

From: Kelvin <kx.henderson_at_...>
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 10:09:28 +1000

At 10:48 PM 4/10/00 -0700, Warprat wrote:

>I have always played with this rule, and always hated it. While there
>are plenty of reasons to play with this rule, I just don't like it.

I've always been aware of it and never had a problem with it as I use my
Gargants as fire-support for my Klans. I think in the years I've been
playing Orks I've engaged something in CC with a Gargant ONCE. Sure I'VE
been the target of CC plenty of times, but I've only initiated it ONCE.
With all the shooty weapons available to Gargants and nowhere else in the
list, my Gargants are usually used as gun-platforms.

>In the old rules, it made a little bit of sense, since ALL infantry
>could shoot titans without the negative mod. Also, infantry used to be
>able to swarm titans, so again, they were dangerous. Finally, titans
>used to be able to attack infantry with thier CAF, this has also
>changed. Now there is only the Electrohull.

True. So we could perhaps allow the Gargant to ignore infantry stands and
only target Vehicles, Superheavies, Praetorians and Titans.

>I could see a Gargant wading into a formation of infantry, to do battle,
>if it could battle them effectivly. But how is this to happen?

With lots of Orks hanging out of hatches, firing their bolters like crazy!

>Personally, with the Ork love of a good fight, I can't see why they
>wouldn't want to head to the BIGGEST target, and pound it.

Well as I said, they get easily distracted in the heat of battle. I don't
have much of a problem with the rule, but if there's ehough of a problem
with others about it I'd be happy to see it changed.


         "Of course I'm paranoid!
       Everyone's trying to kill me."
Received on Wed Apr 12 2000 - 00:09:28 UTC

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