Re: [NetEpic ML] The great titan close combat debate

From: Kelvin <kx.henderson_at_...>
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 09:37:32 +1000

At 08:53 PM 4/13/00 -0700, Warprat wrote:
>Hi again Kelvin!


>One other problem. How would combat take place with larger units
>(Knights, Praetorians, other Titans, etc) and infantry COMBINED?
>What are your ideas, on making this work?

As someone else mentioned, I'd let it be considered a seperate CC. Think
about it. When the infantry and/or tanks come swarming in, the Titan's
Auto-defenses (whatever they may be) are going to be the main form of
attack by the Titan with the occasional squishing. When the Titan fights
the Knight (or larger) the Titan is going to end up using its arms and
upper weapons more, real 'hand-to-hand' work.

So the infantry/tanks will be adding an extra D6 to other infantry/tanks
but NOT to the Knight/Praetorian/Titan. I'd make this work the other way
too as the Auto-defences won't be overwealmed by the Knight as it would
target the infantry by priority. Thus the Titan doubles its CAF against
infantry/tanks ONLY (due to the Auto-defences), not
Knights/Praetorians/Titans and each different type doesn't benefit from th
other's efforts. Some may consider this harsh, but its the simplest in
most effect option.


         "Of course I'm paranoid!
       Everyone's trying to kill me."
Received on Sun Apr 16 2000 - 23:37:32 UTC

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