Salut Peter,
Tu as �crit :
> First, everything that flies is NOT a skimmer, greater demons
> are in this
> category. The warhound would pin a greater demon. According
> to the new
> revision a skimmer can still move out if it can move second,
> but if it
> decides to stay in combat it IS pinned and may leave combat
> next turb if it
> survives.
You make me doubt. What is the exact definition of 'pinning'? I thought it
was 'blocking a unit by charging it'.
I guess that I've only got a problem of syntax...
Fran�ois Bruntz
La Crois�e des Jeux, le site des jeux par e-mails
Received on Thu Aug 10 2000 - 12:39:51 UTC