Re: Question regarding armies (Norway)

From: Eivind Borgeteien <eivind.borgeteien_at_...>
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 15:58:07 -0000

Narvik would IMO be the most suited for an epic scenario. It was only
the most northern part of the country that managed to mobilize, so
theree we managed to give quite some resistance.

The mountains there are quite alpine, so it would put great
restrictions to armor.

--- In, deaconblue3_at_j... wrote:
> Hi
> Just a note on the Norway-thing. I dont think WW2 Norway is good
> suited for epic battles as there where mainly skirmishes here.
> -->What came to mind were three areas: the taking of Oslo (running
> gauntlet to reach the city-you guys did get the Blucher), Narvik (a
> mountain terrain battle),and Trondheim (similar to Dunkirk, but
with lots
> of nasty terrain). The last two were primarily fought by Brits and
> French, but I think they still would make great scenarios, even
more so
> in a campaign setting (taking the air fields).
> I think Norway is more suited for conversions to 40K, but somewhat
> later came the combined arm raid on Måløy. This could perhaps be
> interesting....
> -->If you do the resistance to the push inland, I would agree, with
> above exceptions. I suppose it depends on how you want to do
things I
> suppose.
> Josh R
> Minister for General Mayhem
> "Don't let the bastards grind you down." Gen. Joseph Stilwell
Received on Wed Dec 20 2000 - 15:58:07 UTC

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