Pretty much what I have been told from most people who have gone to US
gamesday. I have been told the bigger jerks are Gav and sometimes even
jervis and andy, any experience with them?
As you I have heard good things about priestly too.
I guess its far easier to attribute game design flaws to players than
accept their own shortcomings.
deaconblue3_at_... wrote:
> One has to remember there is Anti-Yank sentiment all over the world. Hey
> its
> their game they designed and if it sucked they knew it (Brits at GW). As
> for
> American bashing who cares.
> Darius
> -->True, there is anti-yank sentiment around the world, goes with the
> territory. But what gets me about the GW people, is that they come over
> here, for Games Day, or the various tournaments, and 1. seem shocked
> every time they watch a game, even though they've seen this each and
> every year; 2. Immediately make aspersions about US players, and say that
> what ever is wrong with the system is not their fault, and not the fault
> of the system, but the fault of the individual players; 3. In general
> they are OK guys personally, but when it comes to their games, they
> become snobs par excellent. I will make an exception for Nigel Stilman
> though, as he seems to learn from what he sees, though he tends to get
> drowned out in discussions. As for ignoring it, usually I do, unless
> directed at me personally. In general, I find there to be a kernel of
> truth behind the sentiments, so I can pass them off with out any real
> outrage, but GW personal just never seem to learn that the US is
> different than the UK, or Europe, and expect everyone in the world to
> think exactly like them (exceptions for this are Stilman and Priestly),
> and are some how lesser than they if a person fails to see what is
> "obvious" to them. Final note, this comes from personal experience, and
> not by rumor. I have seen and heard all of this in action, at Games Days
> past, and in my direct conversations with GW. And, I should note, this
> has been the case since day one for GW.
> Josh R
> Minister for General Mayhem
> "Don't let the bastards grind you down." Gen. Joseph Stilwell
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