Re: [Epic] Biker boys

From: Jason Stephensen <J.Stephensen_at_...>
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 15:50:16 +1000 (EST)

>Ehh. I'd use the Vypers the same way either way, but I'm having
>trouble using my Jetbikes under the new skimming rules. There just
>aren't any targets not surrounded by FF troops, and they're too
>fragile to dump on an objective because they can't hide in rubble or
>forest. Making him hold troops back as screeners just doesn't justify
>the entire cost for me. I just write off the Jetbikes as a weak unit
>I can use to bolster my numbers (They're used as guardians sometimes,
>because I don't like to send guardians out to die given the Eldar
>background of a lack of manpower), while I use the Vypers like low
>budget Gyrocopters. I keep at least a couple of detachments forward
>to look for objectives to steal or targets to ambush. But it's more
>of hoping that my opponent screw up rather than hoping he doesn't have
>enough units to shoot down jetbikes.
> My jetbike pilots must hate me. They die in droves. I
>frequently lose more jetbikes than other infantry, if you figure there
>are two men on a jetbike stand and 5 on an infantry stand.

Well, the major Eldar player down here adjusted very well to the new rules.
He uses them as you suggest, to ambush units without the support. His
Windhost actually lasts longer now then pre-skimmer pinning rules. I've
never heard anyone call eldar jetbikes as a weak unit before. I still see
them use as one of the better units in the game.

> I blame GW. "The recon gyrocopter counts as a command unit
>for the purposes of orders, movement etc, in all other respects its
>identical to an Iron Eagle gyrocopter."
> Damn GW for the use of the word, "etc". I personally
>interpret this as yes, it's a command unit.

Yeah, what does etc mean? What's left? Firing? It moves and gets orders as a
command (ie no orders), but fires in well, what time. Good desivie ruling there.

                 Colonel Abrahms, 22nd NU-Atol Regiment
                 Rekartot Redbacks Senior Coach
                   "No Spanky, No. Bad monkey"
                email J.Stephensen_at_...
Received on Thu Jan 01 1970 - 00:00:00 UTC

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