[Epic] The spirit of the game

From: <Philip.Nixon_at_nda.n-i.nhs.uk>
Date: 24 Jan 1997 11:57:58 +0000

Microsoft Mail v3.0 (MAPI 1.0 Transport) IPM.Microsoft Mail.Note
From: Phil=
ip Nixon
To: smtp:space-marine_at_...
Subject: The spirit of the game
Date: 1997-01-24 11:57
Priority: 5
Message ID: 18043A36D575D011AB3A0020AF71=
Conversation ID: The spirit of the game


Having read Jervis state=
ment on the mailing list with regard to the great
Epic 40k debate , I would=
 just like to ask this :
Did anyone feel that he really side-stepped the po=
int ?
The bulk of his reply seemed to concentrate more on "the spirit of th=
game" rather than addressing the complaints from the players that their
uch loved Epic is being threatened.
Let me expand on this .
Any previous re=
vamps since the plastic figures have not caused such
debate , and it all l=
ies in the new stand layout . "Your old stands will
be fully compatible" , =
yet will this new long stand not increase the
amount of ground covered by u=
nits , spreading them out and making them
less vulnerable to barrages . An =
unfair advantage when playing someone
with old-style stands.
I was at my lo=
cal Games Workshop store on games night and looked around .
Nearly all the =
players there were aged 10 - 15 . Now us older hands with
jobs might be ok =
, but what about these kids who have put up with
creeping price rises in=
 blister packs and gaming systems ? I presume of
course that the new Epic 4=
0k will be bumped up to the now standard �50 .
Why ? Are these people not=
 Games Workshop's market and therefore their
future prosperity ? Are these =
price rises necessary , and are the MD's at
GW keeping with the "spirit of =
the game" ?
Please feel free to reply and agree or disagree with this . Als=
o if
anyone has any Chaos stuff they want shot of ....




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Received on Fri Jan 24 1997 - 11:57:58 UTC

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