gonna chek it out soonnn!!!! really soon thanks!!!
>> ps .. i could probably field a fleet .. a shop here in houston
>> out their inventory and sold em to me for 20 cents each.. now i've
>got a
>> fleet of ships..
>If you're talking GW Space Fleet ships here, boyo, you got yourself
>*heck* of a deal. I'd love to help you out... of some of those,
>incidentally. ^_^;; (I need a couple Tyrant Battleships, for
unfourtuantely it's Star Fleet ships.. :-( but none the less ok by me..
>>but only 3 feds and 1 klingon (tug.. gotta pu battle
>> pods on it :-) but i want to try that game...
>?_? Now you've got me confused. Are you talking about SFB or Space
wanted to try space fleet.. i've played sfb long time...
Received on Mon Aug 04 1997 - 16:20:22 UTC