RE: [Epic] Interesting Orky Tactic...

From: James Nugent <jnug1453_at_...>
Date: Wed, 6 Aug 1997 07:50:14 -0700

Your a nut! You should be coverd in chocolate and sold as a snack!
         -The only good father's day quote
----------------------------James Nugent-----------------------------------

-----Original Message-----
From: csalvato_at_... [SMTP:csalvato@...]
Sent: Monday, August 04, 1997 4:14 AM
To: space-marine_at_...
Subject: [Epic] Interesting Orky Tactic...

Here's an interesting tactic, and a question hich comes with it, that I
thought of:

Det. 1: Shooty Boyz, Big Gunz, Pulsas, etc

Det. 2: Kult of Speed with enough battlewagons to carry Det. 1 and assorted
other stuff to taste (speedstas, buggies, bikez, etc)

Det. 1 Starts the game loaded into Det.2's wagons. Det. 2 is given assault

Movement: Det. 2 moves up 25 cm, deposits shooty boyz in

Shoting: Shooty boyz shoot

Assault: Wagons move up and cause havoc with anything nearby.

A few questions:

1. Could I put Det.1 (the shooterz) on Overwatch orders? The rules say
the Orks being tranported may not move.

2. Probably asking for some cheese-bashing, but could the wagons
pick-up the shooterz in the assault phase and wisk them away to safety?

Actually, I don't see why not. I don't know if it is cheesy or not, I would
say not. Anyway since orks don't use movement when hitching a lift you
could do it. Might be a primarch question. no other army can do it because
you need 5cm to load and unload.
Your a nut! You should be coverd in chocolate and sold as a snack!
         -The only good father's day quote
----------------------------James Nugent-----------------------------------

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Received on Wed Aug 06 1997 - 14:50:14 UTC

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