RE: [Epic] Orks with LandRaiders

From: Sutherland <charles_at_...>
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 15:05:53 -0500

At 01:56 PM 8/22/97 -0500, you wrote:
>>Speakin of hackin on landraiders I glued a rhino to the front and added
>>wings, a little hack here and a little glueing there and it does make a
>>passable thunderhawk. Thanks for whoever posted that idea. Now I have a
>>flight fo Thawks to land my termies with.
>> woohoo
>> That Chuk Guy
>-----> Oh now come on - I was kidding! But if it worked...
>Actually I posted on using a very tongue in cheek rhino mod
>as the "Space Marine Battlehawk" ,a lighter version
>of a T-Hawk...
>But think of what an Orky Fighta-Bomma it would make...
>Chris Miller

When you have 100s of rhinos and LRs laying around you tend to use them for
whatever you can. I made every conversion possible out of the rhinos-
vindicator, predator, razorback, whirlwind, etc... The LRs are a little
harder to find a use for so the Thawk idea was jumped on. With my budget
these are the only thuderhawks I will ever see in a very long time.

The new ork fighta-boomaz are very keen. I would recomend them to anyone.

                                                        That Chuk Guy

P.S. Anyone got any good ideas for converting battlewagons or stompas? I
got a snotload of those also.
Received on Fri Aug 22 1997 - 20:05:53 UTC

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