Re: [Epic] Orks with LandRaiders

From: John Richards <server_at_...>
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 16:41:27 -0500

Mark A Shieh <SHODAN+_at_...> writes:

> I'm just trying to figure out how to model a cult of speed
>with only the models from 1 set each of Space Marine and TL, and 2 of
>E40k. (More TL stuff is probably available to me cheap, eh?) I see
>no way to get any bikes together, or warbuggies.

I have a decent number of oldstyle battlewagons, with the four tires and
the small turret. They've been downgraded to warbuggies, since I have
plenty of the new style battlewagons, too. They're a little too big, but
otherwise close to the warbuggy style. Works for me.

Not sure what to suggest about the bikes - except that with the right color
scheme, current Space Marine bikes might work fairly well, if you have any.
I'll have to take a look when I get home.

I've been abusing the new variety of battlewagons for purposes other than
they were intended, too. If it's armed with the double-cannon thing and
has claws on the front, it's a Mekboy Speedsta with Death Ray or Lifta
Droppa. If it has a tall turret, it's a Weirdboy battlewagon.

I haven't had to worry about Flakwagons yet, since we haven't played with
fliers. I'm not sure I'd take them anyways - they'd have to be put on
Special orders to work, which slows down the detachment (and I'm usually on
the move). Even then with only a 30cm range they can be avoided. I'd
rather have more Fighta-Bommerz in the air, myself.

Best of luck with your conversions. Not that I'm necessarily the best
person to talk to, since I'd stretch it as much as my opponent lets me.
"Tarantula fig? Well, I have a giant spider from Warhammer Quest. It's
even made by Games Workshop." I haven't fielded the half a L'eggs egg as a
Gargant yet, but give me time (and a permanent marker).

John Richards
Received on Fri Aug 22 1997 - 21:41:27 UTC

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