RE: [Epic] marine chapters (was: Orks with LandRaiders)

From: Chris Pinson <chrisp_at_...>
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 10:22:25 +0930

(Is there anyone out there who *doesn't* start from scracth building
your =
army in every game of E40K?)

Actually, me.

I have a number of 500pt army =
blocks preconstructed (I started it to have definate goals when painting my=
 army ... and it worked too ... I have 3000 pts of E40K troops painted in a=
bout a month).

I generally create an army by taking a few of these generic=
 blocks then top up the points to taste. It works quite well and makes any =
army I create less chessy.


Received on Fri Aug 29 1997 - 00:52:25 UTC

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