RE: [Epic] The WORST GW rules

From: Peacekeeper-¡ <jnug1453_at_...>
Date: Sun, 31 Aug 1997 00:43:00 -0400

The thing that throws most people off Space Fleet, from what I've seen,
 the fact that your chance to hit is based off where the dice land in
a box=
 top. Apart from that, I think it's a pretty solid set of rules.
I certain=
ly haven't seen the 'gaping holes' that someone else described.
 (And if yo=
u're curious, drop by to look a=
t the rules. <plug,
plug> )

I've seen them. Probably my favorite rule set =
from GW is Blood Bowl(second ed). There are some problems with it, but they=
 are fairly uncommon and not to bad. Also, the monentary expenditure is not=
 to bad, you could buy a team for the price of a necromunda gang. (adjustin=
g for inflation there.)


Received on Sun Aug 31 1997 - 04:43:00 UTC

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