From: Scott Shupe[SMTP:shupes_at_...]
Sent: Saturday, Aug=
ust 30, 1997 1:40 PM
To: space-marine_at_...
Subject: Re: [Epic] The W=
ORST GW rules
At 01:15 AM 8/30/97 -0400, you wrote:
> Really, interestin=
g. I woulden't consider SM/TL GW's worst
> set of rules.
> The original 40=
K wasn't that good either. Each armylist had
> as many special rules as all=
of SM&TL.
And that's different from the current 40k how?
you me, they tightened 40K up ALOT. Despite the fact that everyone likes t=
o bust on it, it isn't that bad anymore. Playable at least. I still like ep=
ic alot better. Just because we mentioned space fleet. Anyone know a good s=
pace game? I've heard of Full Thrust and Star Fleet Battles. I read up a bi=
t on the 2, liked Full Thrust better. One problem I always saw with space g=
ames was that it's hard to represent 3 dimentional combat on a flat surface=
. Oh well.
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Received on Sun Aug 31 1997 - 04:48:14 UTC