Re: [Epic] Scandal's Stone (too long)

From: Timothy J. Kilgore <tkilgore_at_...>
Date: Mon, 08 Sep 1997 11:00:07 -0400

>I think that there are two types of players around 'ere: the ones
>who love the tactical game, the minature detail and the clean game
>mechanism, and a group who started playing GW some years ago and that
>is bound in some way to the oldies... with my words I don't wnat to
>make a distinction between the two types, if one is better or
>worst...ok? So, the ones who love the game as it is I think that
>CANNOT prefer the old Titan to the new.... let's speak clearly boys,
>it's BETTER!! Anyway who loves the old style GW gaming (remember Dark
>Future??) will feel a certaing sadness in throwing in the bits box
>his Tital Legion host, closing there also the gothic reminescence to
>put on table that tecnological but inhuman device!!!
>The Background
>I start with an example: if you read the OLD Great Unclean One
>description, you'll see that his power vomit was sorta like "a stream
>of putrescent blood, maggots and pus" or something similar. If you
>read the new one the same is a "Steaming vomit". Now, without critics
>to GW policy (at last, they can do what they want), is there a
>meaning for this? Think yes. In the first years the Warhammer world
>was and "adult" world, compared maybe with the more soft worlds of
>old TSR and Tolkien's Middle Earth. In the background of the Rogue
>Trader were described with great precision chirurgical implantations,
>crude H2H fights and violence. Obviously this fact raised the entry
>age of GW products (14+ in the late period) also because the games
>were based around lead, the we all know to be at least in a little
>part, toxic. The '90s marked a great opening of very young minds to
>the world of fantasy, overall under the (don't wanna say if baneful
>or greatful) influx of Magic, the Gathering. We can say all what we
>want, many confuse Magic with RPG or 3D games, but if now this sector
>goes on we can thanks Mr. Garfield. Well, GW had to sustain this
>change, so are born the new edition of the games, more soft, with
>less violence, more simple and immediate. So the Great Unclean One
>had to chenge diet to encounter the requests of an authority who
>prefers to sell to the young a monster who spits "Steaming vomit",
>rather then "Putresecnt blood and the like". Similar there has been
>the new White Metal, atoxic. Another thing: I have
>been for some time in Edwin Vorskamp's 40K Mailing List, and there
>the people were of a certain age (say 20+, to cinically include me),
>but if you read White Dwarf, seems that in the stores all around the
>world the average age of the customers is 12! Now, dunno in the USA
>of GB, but here in Italy there are FEW under 16 who play GW, even for
>a price limit. I think Inferno is the consecration of this situation.
>GW comics... bah. A Canadian friend of mine asks himself what there
>could be then... GW painting albums?
Snipped the disclamimer couldn't weed out what I wanted from the rest of it
so it stays.

I started gaming with the old Rouge Trader when I was about 12 give or take
a year or two. And I loved the cold hatred of the Rouge trader
discriptions(Hey did here someone calling me a warped and dillusional
child? well hell I was one so it doesn't matter.) I was already deep into
AD&D so the strech to the gothic figures and pictures in Rouge Trader was
not a far strech. What really got me into it was the local GW store, yes a
GW store not a hobbystore, hadf a good selection of AD&D books, So me and
my gaming buddies where in there all the time buying AD&D books.
Eventually one of the sales guys handed us a Gold Deamon Painting guide,
this was when they would give just about anything out for free, We went to
game AD&D that night but just kept looking at all the cool nasty figures in
the book, Guys with swords and guns we, were in heaven. So our conversion
was complete.

HOld on second were was I going with this... oh yeah.

I like some of the new stuff, and I still like alot of the old stuff. I
combine the two ideas to get the army flavor I want. In my 40k force I
have Chaos and Dark Angels. I like the new thread they have on the Dark
angels so I go with that, I like the old black leigon so I go with that. I
combine what I like with what I've got I go with it from there

Timothy J. Kilgore

I'm an american!
do you know what that means?
it means my forefathers got
kicked out of every decent country in the world!
Received on Mon Sep 08 1997 - 15:00:07 UTC

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