Re: Rampagers (was [Epic] Aman Detachment)

From: Erik K. Rutins <snowdo1_at_...>
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 1997 11:34:15 -0400


As I understand the rules for Rampage:

If a detachment with rampaging units loses close combat, the units with
Rampage cannot retreat. This would mean that if there are any enemy
left, all Rampage units within 15cm of _remaining enemy units_ are
destroyed. Rampage units that were outside of 15cm at the beginning of
the combat (thus not lending support) will survive, even though they
can't retreat.

We sent in a Q&A on something relating to Rampage. I think I'll go
take a look there, too.


- Erik

"Look within. Within is the fountain of good, and it will ever bubble
up, if you will ever dig."
- Marcus Aurelius
Received on Mon Sep 08 1997 - 15:34:15 UTC

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