Re: [Epic] Sample Campaign, Updated Rules

From: Francois Bruntz <fbruntz_at_...>
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 00:52:38 PDT

Erik wrote :
>Rather than flood the list, I finished my editing of the Sample
>Campaign (Orks vs. Imperials) and added it to my campaign rules. If
>you take a look at my web page, you'll find it there as v.3 of the
>Rutins Rules for Epic 40k Campaigns. The campaign with background,
>special rules and Ork tribal rules is at the end of the document.

Can someone tell me when this guy sleeps? :)

>It's in Word 6.0 format - if anyone can't handle that, let me know
>put an ASCII copy up there as well. Francois also has a french
>of the rules on his web page in HTML, though he doesn't have the new
>section on the sample campaign.

If I understand well, I've got some translation work to do...
This will be made as quickly as I can but, moi, I sleep
sometimes... ;)

Francois Bruntz
Apprenti MIAGE (Universite Paris XII - IBM France)

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