RE: [Epic] The Imperial Fists

From: Chris White <chris_at_...>
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 08:30:38 -0700

At 12:09 PM 9/10/97 +0930, you wrote:
>That reminds me of an extract from "Inquisitor"
>The entrance to the Emporers audience chamber has two pillars each of which
>is actually a Warlord titan. These titans have been there so long that
>their feet and carapace's are embedded into the floor and ceiling
>respectivly but are fully operational and can break free and fire within
>instants. It is the ultimate honour to crew one of these machines.
>A good game which goes into this more is the board game based on Horus's
>attack on the Imperial palace. There were a couple of loyal chapters
>involved (Imperial Fists, White Scars, ???). This was based in the 31st
>millenium though. Chapters were much bigger then (10,000+ marines).
        I think the fluff referred to them as "Legions" when they were that big.

        (Okay, I'm responding with a whole pile of unread mail. Let's see how
redundant my response was...)

Received on Wed Sep 10 1997 - 15:30:38 UTC

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