RE: [Epic] The Imperial Fists

From: Miller, Chris <CMiller_at_...>
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 1997 16:19:04 -0500

> >>
>The whole Crimson Fists-Ork-Missile thing is in the Rogue Trader book, in a
>few places I think, mostly in the battle scenario in that book. On the
>Imperial Fists colour page in codex Ultras it talks about the Fists guarding

------> Have to check this when I get home. BTW, to all concerned, a
wipeout of
any particular chapter doen't mean a whole lot over time, as there are
fluff sections where most a chapter/ company is wiped , but they are
as a "normal" unit. Ultras first company is mentioned at one point. The
"Compendium" has some good fluffy marine stuff too...

Also, it seems like the I-Fists were some color other than yellow,

Chris Miller
Received on Thu Sep 11 1997 - 21:19:04 UTC

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