>>When Space Marine first came out myself and a few friends fought some
>>massive battles recreating part of the attack on the imperial palace by
>>Horus. It is still the best battle I have ever played. Land Raiders racing
>>from cover to cover,
I once played a game against Tyranids (2nd Ed.). The final result was
very close, and the only reason I won was because there was a Land
Raider that spent 3 turns running away from a Trygon after the rest of
it's squad was taken out. My opponent was screaming in frustration by
the end of it, as this Land Raider kept running round behind buildings
and round forests, *just* out of range of his Trygon. How we laughed.
Ah, great days, great days...
<emblem of Slaanesh>
'Mad Dog' McAlister
/\ Colen McAlister, AKA 'Mad Dog' McAlister,
/--\ Keeper of the Unholy Keys, Lord of the
|| Third Realm, Founder of NASA (National
|| |\ Anti-Skaven Alliance), R'n'F member
/-- ---- \ and chosen of the Chaos Gods, AKA
\-- ---- / Brother Morgan who wields the Blade of Immortals
| | |/ Member of the Twisted Brotherhood
\-/ colen_at_...
' http://www.bryanmac.demon.co.uk/colen
Received on Sat Sep 13 1997 - 14:47:34 UTC