Here followeth the second part of Flavoured E40K. The timetable is to
gather feedback from this and the first part, while working on the Chaos
list. I've already identified a few holes (like Sabres).
Can anyone out there give me any interesting stats from The Lost and the
Damned etc? Units which didn't make it into SM2 for example, like Chaos
In the meantime, here is: The Orks
E40K Flavoured Units Version 1.1
Recap of Part I:
Medic - Cost 10 - add +1 to Die Roll for BM Removal
Repair - Cost 10 - give any one non-War-Engine unit in the
detachment a save
Chaplain - Cost 10 - add +1 to Die Roll for Leadership Test
ForceField - Cost 50 - add a BM to any enemy detachment when any of its
comes into base-to-base contact.
Dozer - clears a path through Ruins, Rubble and Woods.
Tunneller - as per CJ21, a Tunneller appears as if dropped by a Drop
Pod. The
number is its transport capacity. Also has Dozer ability (see above)
PLUS:In scenarios such as Planetary Assault and Ambush, it appears on
(free) Launch Vehicle. It is launched as per troops dismounting.
Part II-B Orks
CJ - in a Citadel Journal
* - renamed. For example, the Squigg Catapult is just another form of
Rocket, and the (Hop)Splat Gun is the Orkish Support Weapon.
** - existing unit in another army list, for example Wildboyz are
in effect to Chaos Beastmen.
Type Move FP Range AF Armour Special
PainBoyz as Boyz + Medic
Mekaniaks as Boyz + Repair
Goffic Rockers as Boyz + Chaplain
MadBoyz 10 D3-1 30 D3 4+ Save
WildBoyz** 10 0 NA 2 4+
OrkGenestealers 10 1 30 4 4+
Shokk AttackGun 10 1 90 0 4+
Force Field Gun 10 AT 45 0 4+
(includes Tractor Kannon, Hand of Gork, Krackas and Bubble Chukka)
Squigg Catapult*10 Disrupt 45 0 4+ Artillery
Splatter Kannon*10 2 45 0 4+ Artillery
SuperGrotz 10 1 15 D3-1 3+
Snotlings 10 0 NA 1 3+
Humie Mercs 10 1 30 1 3+
Possessed Wdboy 10 1 30 4 4+ Save,Psyker
Primitive Ogryn 10 0 NA 4 4+
Tinboyz 15 1 45 D3 5+ Rampage
(Includes Tinbotz, Squigg-Brained Dreadnaughts and Runtbots)
Shootas 25 2 45 1 5+
(Includes Goff Lungburstas and Evil Suns SpleenRippers)
Transportas 25 0 NA 1 5+ Transport(3)
(Includes the old wheeled battlewagon, without turret a la original
WH40K one)
Battlewagon 25 1 45 2 5+ Transport(1)
(Includes the new battlewagons with claws/pincers/blades on and Goff
Rollas 25 1 45 3 5+
(Includes old Bonecrushas, Bonebreakas, and the new Battlewagons with
DethRollas )
Karriers 25 1 30 1 5+ Transport(2)
(The old metal or plastic wheeled Battlewagons, unmodified)
Gobsmasha 35 2 30 1 5+
Braincrusha 15 AT 60 2 5+
Bowelburna 25 3 15 1 5+ Close Support
Scorcha 35 1 15 2 4+
DoomDiva 25 AT 30 1 5+ Flak
Nobz Bikes 35 1 30 2 5+ Save
Cyber Wyverns -as Fighta-Bommas
Speed Armour Void Shield Damage Assault Specials
Rolla 10 5 - 4 10 Dozer,Transport(4)
Rumbler 15 5 - 4 8 Transport(4)
Weapons Fire Arc Range FP
Gunz All-Round 45 8
Damage Tables remain unchanged
MekBoy Gargant
Speed Armour HoloField Damage Assault Specials
25 5 2+ Save 6 12
Weapons - Pick 2
Weapon Fire Arc Range FP
Weapons Battery Front 45 8
Close Combat Weapon Front 30 4 (as usual)
Lifta-Droppa Front 45 (1) (as usual)
Critical Damage Table
2 Stubbed Toe +0 Immobilised 1 turn
3 Right Arm Damaged +1 Weapon may not be fired until repaired
4 Left Arm Damaged +1 Weapon may not be fired until repaired
5 Flashback +2 All weapons unfireable until repaired
6 Head Damaged +2 Immobilised until repaired
7 ForceField Damaged +3 ForceField inoperative until repaired
8 ForceFields Destroyed +4 ForceField inoperative permanently
9-12 Catastrophic Damage
1-2 Internal Explosion Wrecked
3-4 Gubbins Blows Up Destroyed, roll D6 for any unit within 5cm
5-6 Massive Explosion Destroyed, roll D6 for any unit within 2D6cm
Note: The rules for Eldar Holofields apply, that is, any hit that gets
the save causes an automatic critical.
Organisation and Points costs
Gobsmashas, Shootas, Transportas, Battlewagons, Rollas, Karriers,
Bowelburnas are all
interchangeable, and all cost 14 pts (ie same as Battlewagons).
Brainbustas or DoomDivas may be taken instead of FlakWagons, at the same
Tinbotz may be taken instead of Dreadnaughts, at the same cost.
Scorchas may be taken instead of Buggies, at the same cost.
Any Nobz may be changed to Nobz Bikes free of charge.
Gretchin may be upgraded to SuperGrotz at a cost of 2 pts per unit.
Gretchin may be changed to Snotlings free of charge
Boyz may be changed to Madboyz at a cost of 4 pts per unit
Squigg Catapults, Force Field Guns, Pulsas, Splatta Kannon, Shokk Attack
may all be taken instead of Big Gunz or Pulsas
Up to 1 Humie Merc squad (2 Humie Mercs) may be taken in the Main Force
at a cost of 14 pts
Up to 1 Primitive Ogryn Squad (1 P.Ogryn) may be taken in the Main force
at a cost of 10 pts.
Painboyz, Mekaniaks, Goffic Rockers or Posessed Weirdboyz may be taken
instead of Weirdboyz,
CyberWyverns may be taken instead of Fighta-Bommas at the same price
Add to Speedsters:
Give Repair ability as Dragsta +10
Buggies (not Scorchas) may tow any support weapons
Mekboy Gargants cost the same as Gargants.
The Ork Warband covers the mixed warbands usually found. These include
Freebooterz and small mobz from other clans apart from the main ones.
However, for those who want "Pure" Warbands, you can use the following,
a supplement rather than a replacement for the existing Cult of Speed
Ork Infantry Detachment.
Note that replacements (as given above) have already been applied where
appropriate, and in other cases have been deliberately omitted.
When the list says "up to X of Da Uvver Mobs", you can choose from:
Up to 2 Nobz 14 pts each
Up to 4 Skarboyz 11 pts each
Up to 1 Nob 14 pts
Up to 4 Shooty Boyz 17 pts each
Blood Axes:
Up to 4 Kommandos 12 pts each
Up to 4 Boarboyz 13 pts each
Deathskulls or Evil Suns
Up to 1 Nob 14 pts
Up to 4 Orks 9 pts each
When the list says "up to X Freebooterz" you can choose X of:
Any of Da Uvver Mobs
Khorne's Stormboyz 12 pts each
Consists of 1-4 Stormboyz
Outcast Oddboyz 50 pts
1 Boyz (Psyker,Medic,Repair)
Up to 1 Tinboy/Runtbot/Dreadnaught 13 pts
Renegade Mekboyz
1 Boyz (Repair) 20 pts
Up to 1 Tinboy 13 pts
Gretchin Bandits 5 pts each
Consists of 2-4 Gretchin
Renegade Runtmaster
1 Boyz 9 pts
2-4 SuperGrotz 6 pts each
Up to 1 Runtbot 13 pts
Bad Doc
1 Boyz (Medic) 20 pts
1-4 Madboyz 13 pts each
Up to 1 Squigg-Brained Dreadnaught 13 pts
Weirdboy Warpheads
1 Boyz (Psyker) 20 pts
1-4 Madboyz 13 pts each
Consists of 1-4 Ork/Genestealer Hybrids 13 pts each
Da DreadMob
1 Ork Boy (Medic, Repair) 30 pts
1-3 Dreadnaughts 13 pts each
Humie Mercs
2 Humie Mercs 14 pts
Possessed Weirdboy 20 pts
Wild Ork Outlaws
Consists of 1-4 Wildboyz 8 pts each
Blood Axe Detachment
Up to 4 Command Groups 39 pts (must have at least one)
consists of 1 Nobz unit
Extra to mount in Rhino 7 pts
Up to 1 Weirdboy 20 pts
consists of 1 Ork Boyz unit (Psyker)
Extra to become a Battlewagon(Psyker) +6 pts
Up to 1 Mekaniak 20 pts
consists of 1 Ork Boyz unit (Repair)
Main Force:
Up to 10 in total of:
Up to 2 Disguised Imperial Guard Squads 14 pts
Consists of 2 Imperial Guard
For each Command Group chosen, up to 2 of:
Boyz Squad 18 pts
Consists of 2 Ork Boyz
Extra to Mount in Rhino 7 pts
Extra to Upgrade both to Shooty Boys 16 pts
Extra to Upgrade both to Kommandos 6 pts
Up to 10, and no more than Main Force Choices, of:
BattleWagons Mob 14 pts each
Consists of 1-3 Battlewagons/Transportas etc
Big Gunz Mob 14 pts each
Consists of 1-2 Big Gunz, Pulsas or Imperial Support Weapons
Speed Freaks Mob 11 pts each
Consists of 1-3 Buggies or Skorchas
BikeBoyz 13 pts each
Consists of 1-3 WarBikes or Nobz Warbikes
Stompa 32 pts
Dreadnaught or Tinbot 13 pts
Flakwagon,DoomDiver,or Braincrusha 22 pts
(Imperial) Land Raider 35 pts
(Imperial) Robot 22 pts
(Imperial) Predator 27 pts
(Imperial) Vindicator 22 pts
(Imperial) Land Speeder 20 pts
(Imperial) Whirlwind 26 pts
(Imperial) Sentinel 8 pts
(Imperial) Rhino 7 pts
Up to 1 Stormboyz Korps 12 pts/ea
Consists of 1-4 Stormboyz
Up to 1 Wildboyz Mob 8 pts/ea
Consists of 1-4 Wildboyz
Up to 1 Ogryn Mob 10pts
Consists of 1 (Imperial) Ogryn
Up to 1 Gretchin Mob 5 pts each
Consists of 2-4 Gretchin
Up to 1 Freeboota Mob see Freebooters List
The Following are all optional.
Goff Detachment
Warboss (Ork, Hero) 40 pts
Mount on a Battlewagon, Karrier or Transporta 14 pts
Extra to upgrade to Stompa(Hero) +24 pts
Up to 1 Weirdboy 20 pts
Extra to upgrade to Battlewagon(Psyker) +6 pts
Up to 1 Goffic Rock Band (Ork,Chaplain ) 20 pts
Extra to Mount on a Transporta +14 pts
Main Force: Up to 10 of
Ork Mobs
Consists of 1-4 Ork SkarBoyz(Assault) 11 pts/unit
Change all units to Nobz +2 pts
Up to 1 Madboyz Mob 13 pts/unit
Consists of 1-4 Madboyz
Up to 1 Wildboyz Mob 8 pts/unit
Consists of 1-4 Wildboyz
Up to 1 Stormboyz Korps 12 pts/ea
Consists of 1-4 Stormboyz
Up to 2 of Da Uvver Mobs (see separate List) variable
Support: Up to 10, and no more than main force choices of:
Wagons 14 pts/each
Consists of 1-3 Battlewagons, or any substitute (Gobsmasha, Transporta
Buggies 11 pts/each
Consists of 1-3 Buggies or Scorchas
BikeBoyz 13 pts/each
Consists of 1-3 Warbikes or Nobz Warbikes
FlakWagon or Braincrusha or DoomDiva 22 pts
Stompa 32 pts
Da Artillery 14 pts/unit
Consists of 1-2 of any Ork support weapon other than Squigg Catapults
Tinboy or Dreadnaught 13 pts
Up to 2 Freebootas (see separate list) variable
Snakebite Detachment
Warboss (Ork, Hero) 40 pts
Mount on a Transporta or Karrier* 14 pts
Upgrade to Boarz(Hero)* +4 pts
Up to 1 Oddboyz (Ork, Psyker) or (Ork, Medic) 20 pts
Upgrade to both Psyker and Medic 10 pts
Main Force:
Up to 10 of
Ork Boyz Mobs 9 pts/unit
Consists of 1-4 Ork Boyz
Upgrade all units to Nobz(Hero) +5 pts/unit
Upgrade all units to Boarboyz +4 pts/unit
Gretchin Mob 5 pts/unit
Consists of 2-4 Gretchin or Snotlings
Up to 1 Madboyz Mob 13 pts/unit
Consists of 1-4 Madboyz
Up to 1 Wildboyz Mob 8 pts/unit
Consists of 1-4 Wildboyz
Up to 1 Ogryn Tribe 10 pts
Consists of 1 Primitive Ogryn
Up to 2 of Da Uvver Mobs variable
Support: Up to 10, and no more than main force choices of:
Battlewagon 14 pts
Consists of 1 Transporta or Karrier
Stompa 32 pts
Squiggoth 18 pts
Katapults 14 pts/unit
Consists of 1-2 Squigg Katapults
Runtbot(Tinboy) 13 pts
Up to 1 Freeboota (see seperate List) variable
Note: Any Karrier must be suitably Traditional, armed with a Catapult
or Crossbow.
Bad Moon Detachment
Warboss (Ork, Hero) 40 pts
Mount on a Battlewagon, Karrier or Transporta +14 pts
Extra to upgrade to Stompa(Hero) +24 pts
Up to 1 Oddboyz (Ork, Psyker) or (Ork, Medic) 20 pts
Upgrade to both Psyker and Medic +10 pts
Up to 1 additional Weirdboy (Ork,Psyker) 20 pts
Upgrade to Weirdboy Battlewagon +6 pts
Main Force:
Up to 10 of
Ork Mobs
Consists of 1-4 Ork Nobz(Hero) 14 pts/unit
Change all units to Shooty Boyz(Boyz,Heavy Weapons) +3 pts/unit
Up to 1 Madboyz Mob 13 pts/unit
Consists of 1-4 Madboyz
Up to 1 Wildboyz Mob 8 pts/unit
Consists of 1-4 Wildboyz
Up to 1 Stormboyz Korps 12 pts/ea
Consists of 1-4 Stormboyz
Up to 1 Gretchin Mob 5 pts/ea
Consists of 2-4 Gretchin
Up to 1 Ogryn Tribe 10 pts
Consists of 1 Primitive Ogryn
Up to 2 of Da Uvver Mobs (see separate List) variable
Support: Up to 10, and no more than main force choices of:
Wagons 14 pts/each
Consists of 1-3 Battlewagons, or any substitute (Gobsmasha, Transporta
Buggies 11 pts/each
Consists of 1-3 Buggies or Scorchas
BikeBoyz 13 pts/each
Consists of 1-3 Warbikes or Nobz Warbikes
FlakWagon or Braincrusha or DoomDiva 22 pts
Stompa 32 pts
Da Artillery 14 pts/unit
Consists of 1-2 of any Ork support weapon other than Squigg Catapults
Tinboy or Dreadnaught 13 pts
Up to 2 Freebootas (see separate list) variable
Note: Bad Moons are relatively rich, so often hire mercenaries
and other clan's hangers-on. They themselves always have the shootiest
weapons available. They also have more Weirdboyz than most others.
Evil Suns
Warboss (Ork, Hero) 40 pts
Mount on a Battlewagon, Karrier or Transporta +14 pts
Extra to upgrade to Stompa(Hero) +24 pts
Up to 1 Weirdboy 20 pts
Upgrade to Weirdboy Battlewagon +6 pts
Up to 1 Mekboy 20 pts
Extra to Mount in Transport, Battlewagon or Karrier +14 pts
Main Force:
Up to 10 of
Ork Mobs 9 pts each
Consists of 1-4 Ork Boyz 14 pts/unit
Extra to change all units to Nobz (Boyz,Hero) +5 pts/unit
Extra to Mount on Transporta, Battlewagon or Karrier +14 pts
Up to 1 Madboyz Mob 13 pts/unit
Consists of 1-4 Madboyz
Up to 1 Wildboyz Mob 8 pts/unit
Consists of 1-4 Wildboyz
Up to 1 Stormboyz Korps 12 pts/ea
Consists of 1-4 Stormboyz
Up to 1 Gretchin Mob 5 pts/ea
Consists of 2-4 Gretchin
Up to 1 Ogryn Tribe 10 pts
Consists of 1 Primitive Ogryn
Up to 2 of Da Uvver Mobs (see separate List) variable
Support: Up to 10, and no more than main force choices of:
Wagons 14 pts/each
Consists of 1-3 Battlewagons, or any substitute (Gobsmasha, Transporta
Buggies 11 pts/each
Consists of 1-3 Buggies or Scorchas
BikeBoyz 13 pts/each
Consists of 1-3 Warbikes or Nobz Warbikes
FlakWagon or Braincrusha or DoomDiva 22 pts
Stompa 32 pts
Da Artillery 14 pts/unit
Consists of 1-2 of any Ork support weapon other than Squigg Catapults
Tinboy or Dreadnaught 13 pts
Up to 1 Freebootas (see separate list) variable
Death Skulls
Warboss (Ork, Hero) 40 pts
Mount on a Battlewagon, Karrier or Transporta +14 pts
Extra to upgrade to Stompa(Hero) +24 pts
Up to 1 Weirdboy 20 pts
Upgrade to Weirdboy Battlewagon +6 pts
Up to 1 Painboy 20 pts
Main Force:
Up to 10 of
Ork Mobs 9 pts each
Consists of 1-4 Ork Boyz 14 pts/unit
Extra to change all units to Nobz (Boyz,Hero) +5 pts/unit
Extra to change all to Shooty Boyz (Heavy Weapons) +8 pts/unit
Gretchin Mobs 5 pts/each
Consists of 2-4 Gretchin
Up to 1 Madboyz Mob 13 pts/unit
Consists of 1-4 Madboyz
Up to 1 Wildboyz Mob 8 pts/unit
Consists of 1-4 Wildboyz
Up to 1 Stormboyz Korps 12 pts/ea
Consists of 1-4 Stormboyz
Up to 1 Ogryn Tribe 10 pts
Consists of 1 Primitive Ogryn
Up to 3 of Da Uvver Mobs (see separate List) variable
Support: Up to 10, and no more than main force choices of:
Up to 1 of each Wagons Mobs 14 pts/each
Consists of 1-3 Battlewagons, or Gobsmashas, or Karriers etc etc
Up to 1 of each Buggies Mob 11 pts/each
Consists of 1-3 Buggies or Wartracks or Scorchas
Up to 1 of each BikeBoyz Mob 13 pts/each
Consists of 1-3 Warbikes or Nobz Warbikes
Up to 1 of each of
FlakWagon or Braincrusha or DoomDiva 22 pts
Up to 1 Stompa 32 pts
Up to 1 of each kind of Big Gunz 14 pts/unit
Consists of 1-2 of any Ork or Imperial Support Weapon
Up to 1 of each of Tinboys or Dreadnaughts 13 pts
Up to 2 Freebootas (see separate list) variable
Up to 1 of each of:
(Imperial) Land Raider 35 pts
(Imperial) Robot 22 pts
(Imperial) Predator 27 pts
(Imperial) Vindicator 22 pts
(Imperial) Land Speeder 20 pts
(Imperial) Whirlwind 26 pts
(Imperial) Sentinel 8 pts
(Imperial) Rhino 7 pts
Da Madmob
Main Force:
Up to 10 of:
Madboyz 13 pts
Consists of 1 Madboyz
Extra to give them Jump Packs 2 pts
Da Madmob randomly rolls Order Dice every turn, never counts as
out of command, and never needs to roll a Leadership test.
Notes on Modelling:
Humie Mercs can be represented by IG figures. And, in fact, for
more often than not ARE IG "on loan", wearing suitably orky gear. This
no-one, but at least the proprieties are observed.
I suggest using the Nurgling bases that came with the old GUO as
Even the paint job - Basic Green - doesn't need changing.
All the rest, with the exception of the Bubble Chucka and Hand O Gork
existing models for them.
In differentiating between all the various marks of Ork Battlefortress,
remember: if it has a DethRoller, it's a Rolla, otherwise it isn't.
in differentiating between the various types of new Battlewagon:
If it has a DethRoller, it's a Rolla, otherwise it's a normal
Those of us with vast quantities of the old plastic wheeled battlewagon
now either do a bit of kit-bashing, ripping off the armament and making
into transportas, or leave them as they are (or put on more gubbins) as
Carriers. Further bitz can make them anything, really.
SpleenRippers, Lungburstas, Gobsmashers, Gutrippers, Scorchas,
are all described in their correct categories. If you have the models
for them,
you'll know them. If not, just use the Battlewagons as Battlewagons.
In many cases the capabilities of troops have been trimmed to fit the
available points cost of a similar unit. Generally, they are Over-costed
rather than Under-costed (eg Snotlings are inferior to Gretchin, yet
cost the same, Madboyz cost only 1 pt less than Nobz, but are WAY less
effective for many purposes). I see Gretchin as being mainly
to bulk up the detachment to 15+, support in Close Combat, and casualty-
sponges. Snotlings can do this just as well, so I made them cost the
Too bad if you're in a Firefight. Similarly, Nobz are often at the front
give all Ork Boyz an effective 'save'. Madboyz can do this just as well,
they cost almost the same. All things being equal, an army consisting
of Bog-standard E40K troops vs an army containing these ones will be a %
or two superior. But anyone who has these troops probably knows a lot
playing Orks, so their superior tactical experience means they're far
likely to win.
Support Weapons
It was with some trepidation that I gave the Orks AT capabilities, which
army lists specifically do not include. Yet the Orky Force Field Weapons
the AT category better than anything the Imperials have, so I couldn't
avoid it.
I figure that as the Orks can have not merely AT, but DethRays, adding
ability is not that big a deal.
The Shokk Attack Gun has far less firepower than it used to in SM2.
OTOH, it is
the only Orky thing with "unlimited" range (OK, so it's 90cm, to an Ork,
that's unlimited. As the sighting is visual-only, I figure there should
some limit on it). It's best used for long-range sniping, and although
very effective, is a lot better than nothing. In this, it rather
the WH40K one, and is toned-down vs the SM2 version. As an Ork player, I
considered the SM2 SAG to be rather underpriced, especially in large
On the subject of Orky Support Weapons generally, I can see why GW just
"To heck with it, the average is an FP of 2". OTOH they also gave them
artillery ability, which is essential for Splattas, but decidedly
for the rest, which are strictly LOS. The differentiation rather
restores the
I could write a page on Madboyz. Let's just say that the cost is due
to the save, and that I fully expect to see Madboyz at the front,
reducing the
casualties of the rest of the Mob. The save is due to their unique
ability to
ignore some wounds, and "play dead" at appropriate times. And
innappropriate ones too. While most Madboyz are the retinue of various
Docs, Psykers etc within a normal mob, I've given the option of having a
detachment all of their own, with appropriately random behaviour. The
high cost and low average benefit should deter any abuse of them.
With a normal mix of forces, a force of 12 Orky Vehicles ends up with a
ability of FP 12, AF 24, and Transport(12). Again, I can see why GW
things, especially since no Ork WarBoss could guarantee that his force
in one
battle hadn't been "Kustomised" before the next to something quite
Nonetheless, I felt that the Orks had been given the Rough End of the
when it came to their Vehicles, especially since the Imperials had
vehicles for even fine distinctions (Hellhound vs Demolisher for
These were very difficult to get right. In Ere We Go, Ere We Go it's
quite clearly that BloodAxes have access to just about everything in the
Space Marine arsenal. Including Land Raiders and Land Speeders. Now this
go down like a lead balloon with non-Ork opponents. I also didn't want
change the stats or points cost artificially. So how to prevent abuse?
it's also stated that Blood Axes are Sneaky Gits, and no self-respecting
or Nob from another clan will associate with them. This, plus an
of the IG army list, led me to what I think is a good solution. IG gets
s***wed by the Command Rules. So let's do the same to Blood Axes, even
more so,
make 'em pay 25 pts for each Nob they have if they want to get the
Goodies. And take a lot of Boyz in the process. Of course, more Orky
Blood Axes
can join other mobs, but they have suitably customised their Imperial
to make em more Orky, so use normal Battlewagon etc stats.
The result makes a strange hybrid of Ork and IG. More like an IG
detachment with SM and Ork technology than an Ork Mob as such.
PainBoyz, MekBoyz and Psykers
I only allowed Painboyz and Mekboyz in the army lists if the clan in
could take more than just the ones in the Boss's retinue. I figure that
1 painboy
and 1 Mekboy are both kept too busy repairing Orks that have fought each
'customizin' vehicles to have any effect. Psykers are similar: 1 for the
retinue, and 1 additional if the Clan concerned could take more. This
also limits
them from being abused.
In many ways, the old DeathSkulls were the Ork army of choice. You could
just about anything from any of the other clans. This is retained
(though I
don't think even Deathskulls can handle Boarz and Squiggoths) but your
is one of each. A Deathskull Detachment will therefore be a hodge-podge
lots of disparate vehicles and troop types, all different. Which IMHO
their flavour far better than any other solution.
Part II-C Chaos will follow in a week or so, if I can get access to the
data in the LATD etc.
aebrain_at_... <> <> How doth the little Crocodile
| Alan & Carmel Brain| xxxxx Improve his shining tail?
| Canberra Australia | xxxxxHxHxxxxxx _MMMMMMMMM_MMMMMMMMM
abrain_at_... o OO*O^^^^O*OO o oo oo oo oo
By pulling MAERKLIN Wagons, in 1/220 Scale
Received on Mon Sep 22 1997 - 06:24:42 UTC