Re: [Epic] Eldar Army

From: Sean A. Upchurch <sau_at_...>
Date: Wed, 1 Oct 1997 12:18:41 -0700 (PDT)

On Wed, 1 Oct 1997, Mark A Shieh wrote:

> > And it's not like the Eldar really *need* Drop Pods when they get a transport
> > aircraft that hits as hard as a bomber.
> Nope. But aren't you a marine player sometimes? :) Seems to
> me it's even more in theme for the Eldar to have a high FP transport
> aircraft. Only this one is destroyed more often than 1/36, I think.

Well, actually more Tyranid than anything else. OK, I'll admit it, just
take the bright light away. OK OK OK.

        i play marine too

I try and try to discount the THawk due to cost and the inability to shield
it from interceptors. But let's face it, that armor of '6' *really* feels

<snip my comment that nobody else got a boost>

> ??? Land Raiders, Special abilities for chapters, the Tarot deck...
> These aren't aids for those Marine players who can't think? Gavin
> just doesn't like writing about Orks, I guess. Chaos doesn't even
> have models...

Oh, that's right. I've been blocking that WD article so hard I forgot
about it completely. Yes, the Marines got some cool [dare I say "abusive"]
toys too. Looks like the Orks and Tyranids get nothing though [at least
so far] and we'll have to wait and see what goodies might be in store
for Guard and Chaos.

Land raiders aren't that bad once you realize their weaknesses. Poor in
close combat, no secondary firepower, no long range cover in a pure marine

> > As with all things GW, the best way to a good game is moderation. Hawks
> > don't get really abusive until they show up in numbers.
> Complete agreement.

I leave this in, as it really is the "Golden Rule" when building armies for
GW games. Everybody has a cool unit that they get some kind of break on and
you'd be silly to not take it -- just don't overdo it.

Sean U

Sean A Upchurch |
Jet Propulsion Laboratory | EPIC /spmar/spmar.html
sau_at_... | WH40K /wh40k/40k.html +others!
Received on Wed Oct 01 1997 - 19:18:41 UTC

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