Re: [Epic] Old Games - Horus Heresy

From: Aaron P Teske <Mithramuse+_at_...>
Date: Wed, 1 Oct 1997 20:42:45 -0400 (EDT)

Excerpts from Epic: 2-Oct-97 Re: [Epic] Old Games - Horu.. by Alan E &
C. J Brain_at_dyna
> Neil R. Thomason wrote:
> >
> > >Sauron1 writes; Turgul; does the same store have any old Epic2nd metal or
> > >infantry?
> >
> > They're all still available from GW mail order, you know!
> Funny, I spend about $25 in a number of phonecalls to the UK trying to
> get the old tarantulas, the Rapier Lascannon with the Space Marine Crew
> riding it, the Mole Mortar with the Space Marine loading it, etc. I was
> consistently told no longer in production.

That's the answer I got, too, back when I tried... they'll sell you the
(kinda crappy) single-piece tarantulas or the stand-alone rapiers, but
not the nice ones. They also don't have the Thudd Guns or Mole
Mortars... basically, all the "freebie" units are gone.

> If you could get any of the above, or the Epic Goff Rok Band, or the
> metal SM minis with Rocket launchers etc I would be most greatful. Even
> the old Robots. As for the metal Epic Mbz Warbikes, same goes.

Now, the Robots you can still get; you can even get the old Eldar Dreads
and Spirit Warriors. Dunno about the Nobz Warbikes; if they were a
blister, though, they should be available.

                    Aaron Teske
Received on Thu Oct 02 1997 - 00:42:45 UTC

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