Mike Bowen wrote:
> On Mon, 6 Oct 1997, J. Michael Looney wrote:
> > I have most if not all of the stuff on WH40K (RT). I don't recall
> the Spartan.
> > What is it and we will go add it in, no big deal. "Pre 126" covers
> a lot of
> > ground, like 125 issues.
> posted seperate. It's a "stretch" LR with more guns, for termie
> assaults.
Read it. Like I said, I will need to consult RT tonight, but I don't
think the "pure" RT Land Raider can hump ANY kind of troops. That would
make the Epic Land Raider a Spartan, just they don't call it that.
> >
> > Well, mainly because this is the Space Marine mailing list, not the
> WH40K mailing
> > list. If there is a long term rules conflict between Space Marine
> and WH40K,
> > Space Marine wins. On the WH40K list it probably would go the other
> way.
> nah, not allways. most go with the older fluff, as it is a little more
> in depth than what has been printed lately. Old fluff(either epic or
> 40K)
> is well respected for source material in the other lists.
I didn't say ignore the fluff. I said if there is a RULES conflict, the
Epic Rules wins. I think that rules take win over fluff in most, if
not all cases.
> >
> > > The robot stuff came out first for WH40k, and then for SM-1.
> > >
> > Yes, robots are in RT. RT came out before SM-1. What is your
> point?
> >
> SM-1 used RT(plus the WD 96-116) as source material, with titans added
> in from about WD 108
> The units/background for SM-1 came from WH40k. WH40k inspired SM-1
> so whats relevant in WH40k is relevant in SM-1,SM/TL and E40k.
> the same universe, after all.
1) SM-0 was published in WD-110. The original rules for Space Marine
were to add infantry into the Titan game, not the other way around.2) To
me, at any rate, a "rule" out ranks "fluff". In all versions of Space
Marine (the WD 110 issue plus later "add on" in WD), the published SM-1
game, in SM/TL plus all add-ons and in Epic 40,000 they have NEVER said
that termies eat 2 transport slots. Given the MASSIVE detail over load
that SM-1 hit you with, and the MASSIVE amount of "Special Rules" that
SM/TL hit you with, they could have said this if they wanted.
I notice that people that rant and rave about Land Raiders or other
AFV's only being able to carry 1 stand of terminators are VERY silent
about the side effect of this rule, to wit: Thunder Hawks. If a LR can
only carry half as many termies as a it can normal bekies, then, by God
so can a T-Hawk.
> **
> It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion, it is by the beans of
> Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shaking, the
> shaking
> becomes a warning, it is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
> mike
> **
Sillyness is the last refuse of the doomed. P. Opus
Geek code: GAT d-- s:-- a C+++ UL++ P+ L++ !E- W+++ N++ o K++ w+++ !o
!M-- !V-- PS+ PE++ Y+ PGP t++ 5+ X R+++ tv+ b++++ DI++++ D G++ e+
r+++ y+++(**)
Received on Tue Oct 07 1997 - 13:33:31 UTC