[Epic] Painting Dark Angels

From: Cyril Crocker <dslayer_at_...>
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 13:04:07 -0400

As an Eldar/Ork player, I don't have too much experience painting SMs. However, I decided to try Dark Angels. I painted 1 Land Raider as follows:

1) Primed.
2) Paint it DA green. Paint metal areas Boltgun Metal.
3) Give the entire model a wash of Black Wash.
4) Highlight with Goblin Green and Mithril Silver.

Does anyone else have any other ways to paint them or suggestions to my method before I start painting my entire army?
Cyril Crocker
Dragon Slayer
Received on Tue Oct 14 1997 - 17:04:07 UTC

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