Chris Miller a �crit :
>OK, well, sorted thru 10 days or so of mail from the list( thought
>would be more than there actually was) and it looks like some things
>finally quieted down, but let me share a thought:
> the big "Why are orks green" debate was just the most recent
>example of
>something that happens a lot on this list, and I wonder why people
>this kind of question. Not a flame here, but you can
>a) flip thru the 40K ork codex and get a whole buncha background on
>b) flip thru old orky suplements (ere we go!, etc.) and get a whole
>buncha background and fluff
>c) flip thru older versions of epic (Warlords) and get a whole
>d) flip thru some old WD issues and finda whole lotta orky info
>And I'd be really surprised if someone just cannot find one of the
>above. C'mon, where do you buy your stuff? Don't they have people
>playing in-store sometimes? See if they'll show you. Most towns have
>least one store which sells old /used stuff - take a look.
I understand your point of view but we can't/don't want to buy all
the GW books/suplements/WDs...
I think that such questions are asked because they lead to a big
debate where you can find a lot of background and interest, rule
books can't replace other players.
Et puis you don't need a mailing list if you want to search all the
information by yourself...
Francois Bruntz
Apprenti MIAGE (Universite Paris XII - IBM France)
Lord's Home Page
Space Marine and Epic 40k
Last Update : 10/16/97
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Received on Tue Oct 21 1997 - 07:40:24 UTC