Matthew Weyna wrote:
[stormblade fluff]
> Ok, with that done said, I am trying to convert them over to the E40K
> system (or 41K). So. Its obvious it has a BIG gun, and a BIG missile.
> But, I was thinking of how to adjust the one cannon on the side, and the
> rack of missiles. So here goes. My first attempt at this, so please
> reply all you want....
> Stormblade______________
> Speed: 10cm before fireing missiles 15cm after
Just wondering where this came from.
> Armour: 6
> Damage Capacity : 4
> Assault: 3 (This is rather obviously a SUPPORT tank, so one less
> would help represent this)
> Main Weapons: PlasmaBlast Gun (as in the book)
> Fire Arc: Front
> Range: 60cm
> FirePower: (1) Deathray. (blah blah)
Should be 30cm, really. The Stormblade is a very short
ranged tank compared to the Baneblade and Shadowsword, and really
doesn't resemble the Shadowsword at all, in form or function.
> Secondary Weapons: Sponson Turrent- Left Fir Arc- 2FP Range
> 30cm (Lowering it to one would make it virtually
> useless)
Why would you lower it to 1?
> Side Missile Rack- Multiple Rocket Launcher- same
> as Titans-but only useable once.
Mmmm... I'd make it a Heavy Barrage (after all, you did
get 4 dice at 3+ to hit) or just make it a 3-4 FP one-shot. Also,
they should have a range of 30cm.
> Hellion Missile- Vortex missile. One shot.
Again, this should have a range of 30cm.
Scott Shupe
shupes_at_... shupes@...
"The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right
sometimes." - W. Churchill
Received on Thu Nov 06 1997 - 23:17:50 UTC