RE: [Epic] Squat 40K List

From: Chris Pinson <chrisp_at_...>
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 1997 14:12:13 +1030


The designers of the game made some assumptions when it came to various
weapons. Consider the Heavy Weapon upgrade. In 40k Devastator squads can
have up to 4 heavy weapons, these weapons range from Heavy bolters,
Lascannons to Missile Launchers. Now, all these are considered to give the
Epic 40k unit +1 to firepower. Now then, support weapons (again in 40K)
consisited of the Rapier, Tarantula, Thudd Gunand Mole mortar. Both the
rapier and the tarantula are basically carriages for the squad heavy
weapons. The thudd gun has a lower power than the other weapons but has
four barrels, etc etc.

The point I am trying to make is this ... what makes the four (nominally)
support weapons sufficiently different from each other when talking about
E40k scale. My answer, nothing. Fundamentally, they are very similar
weapons with very similar roles. As an illustration let us consider the
Rhino variants.

Predator:2 lascannons plus an autocannon. Heavy duty, long range weapons
with high penetration.
Vindicator:Short range but massive destructive power.
Whirlwind: Multiple rocket launcher.
Razorback:Transport with some fire support.

What we have here are four vehicles which differ wildly in both role and
effect. If it weren't for the models being based on the Rhino then there
would be no link between these units.

Contrast this to the support where the different types do not differ in
either role or effect.

The point you made with regards to flak is valid since we now have another
role for the unit hence another profile (notice though, that it isn't that
much different from the first profile).

I personally think one of the strong points of Epic40k is the speed at
which the game moves and the way units are defined (many will disagree with
me here but this is just personal opinion). By adding new units constantly
we are eroding this.

I fully agree with playing with the army lists and changing detachments but
am wary when it comes to making up entirely new forces. Case in point, the
argument of last week about the bullock jet bikes.

As an extension of this, could someone repost the guidelines for proposing
new units (you know, the one with 3-4 categories)

Cheers (sorry if this was rant like, it wasn't intended to be)


PS. bugger.

I agree with you Chris, to a certain extent. Yes the game is about
abstraction but sometimes these abstractions go too far. ( Maybe its just
and a historical gaming background or a service background)
While I think the current spt wpn stats fit a Tarantula ( AT ) well I just
don't see them describeing Mole Mortar or Thudd Guns. I think lumping all
the spt wpn into one group is a bit too abstract. Maybe four different
is too far the other way but I can see room for two different profiles ( as
marines now have with flak option ). These weapons are very different in
design, operation and most importantly role. If we are going to group them
all together then should we not group all Rhino varients together ( just as
varied in roles, but essentially the same vehicles ) or Rhinos and Chimeras
together as APC's. After rereading the lists I agree the journal list
probably only needs a tweak here and there, mainly in the area of army
as opposed to unit summaries.
PS. That Imperitor I told you about on Sat. was gone and the Warlord was
assembled and partly painted so didn't follow up on it.

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Received on Mon Nov 10 1997 - 03:42:13 UTC

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