Support Weapons (was Re: [Epic] Squat 40K List)

From: Aaron P Teske <Mithramuse+_at_...>
Date: Sun, 9 Nov 1997 22:16:18 -0500 (EST)

Actually, the differences in the stats do reflect differences in the
weapons. The original guard and marine support weapon is, I believe,
supposed to be the Tarantula, though GW just tossed all the other
"small" weapons in there with it for simplicity. Then they added a bit
of variety with the Squat support weapon, presumably the Thudd Gun, and
(perhaps) more with the tech-guard list. (Not sure on this one.)

Here's my thoughts on each, for E40K:

Weapon Move Range FirePower Assault Armour Notes
Tarantula 10 45 AT 0 4+
Rapier 10 30 4 0 4+
Mole Mortar 10 90 1 0 4+ Artillery
Thudd Gun 10 45 2 0 4+ Artillery

While we're at it, how's this for the individual Eldar support weapons,
per the distinction in WD 214:

Weapon Move Range FirePower Assault Armour Notes
Scatter Laser 10 30 4 0 4+
Hvy. Plasma 10 45 2 0 4+
Las Cannon 10 45 2 0 4+
D-Cannon 10 45 disrupt 0 4+
Missile Lnchr 10 45 AT 0 4+

Giving the full power of the D-cannon to a support weapon (at a cost of
15 points) seems to be a bit much, which is why I'm thinking it should
just be disrupt instead. This list also -- finally -- gives the Eldar
an AT shot. Finally, I know the Hvy. Plasma and Las Cannon are the
same, but they are pretty similar weapons and I'm trying to keep these
things at all the same points cost.


                    Aaron Teske
Received on Mon Nov 10 1997 - 03:16:18 UTC

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