[Epic] Shields

From: Colen 'Not Colin' McAlister <colen_at_...>
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 1997 11:41:36 +0000

I was thinking about the Imperial and Orky void shields and power fields

How do they actually work? Rather than actually 'shunting' the hits off
to the side, in my mind they simply disperse the energy over such a wide
area that it can do no appreciable damage to the titan or gargant
itself. So why are an Imperator titan's shields easier to drop than a
Warlord titan's? It has more of them, but this shouldn't decrease their
efficiency. So what I came up with is this:

Each titan or gargant has a 'Shield Strength' value instead of normal
shields. Let's take the Warlord titan as an example.

The Warlord has a Shield Strength of 30. This means that 30 FP must be
expended to knock the shields down (15 on Overwatch?), and then the
titan starts to take damage. AT shots count as 1 hit, Death Ray shots
count as D6 hits. At the end phase, roll 2D6-2 and multiply by 10. This
is the percentage of lost shields that the titan regains.


Colen 'Not Colin' 'Mad Dog' McAlister, Director of N.A.S.A.
(the National Anti-Skaven Alliance), Editor of the Chaos
Wastes Weekly, a NetCampaign Newspaper, and an R'n'F Member.
         You can find me at:          | "At any time, at
http://www.bryanmac.demon.co.uk/colen | any place, our snipers
      colen_at_...      | can drop you. Have a
Join NASA! nasa_at_...  | nice day."-- NASA Motto
Received on Wed Nov 12 1997 - 11:41:36 UTC

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