On Sun 09 Feb, Peter Ramos wrote:
> Greetings!
> It took a while but we made it following is a summary of what we have
> now:
> We will use a alternating movement system in which the winner of
> initiative will determine either to move a unit first or let his
> opponent go first. Thereafter each player in turn will select a unit to
> move according to the following phases:
I don't quiet get this, does this mean for example, if I have say 3
Warlords titans and three Leman Russ detachments and my oppent has three
Phantom titans and three Falcon detachments and I win intaitive, that I
can order one of my Leman Russ detachments to move first, then order my
oppent to move a Falcon detachment and after this I have to move a Warlord
and then he moves a Phantom and so? Or is that I can order him to move
one of his titan first and then I have to move a titan and so on?
> It has been expressed that snap fire should have a -1 modifier
> attached(since its harder to track moving targets). this point still
> needs opinions - so lets have them!
I vote for the -1, on the basis that snap firing will change the balance
of the game in favor of firing units, so giving a -1 to snap firing units
will even out the balance, giving charging units a chance to get into
hand to hand.
> -troop stands-normal restrictions
> -True cavalry(animal/beast locomotion)may enter woods normally
> -Bikes(jetbikes,vipers, sguat bikes) may enter woods and difficult
> terrain only in advance orders until woods/difficult terrain are cleared
> at normal rate.No pop-ups can be made from these terrain types.
> -tracked vehicles may move backwards and fire on advance orders and move
> at half the advanced rate. They may enter woods and difficult terrian
> only on advance orders and only at half the advance rate
> -larger sized skimmers like falcons and tempests may not enter woods
> since they do not the raw displacement power(as tracked vehicles) to
> push terrain out of the way-remember eldar builds for speed not brute
> force!
> Also comments about movement through woods have been mentioned,but it
> was clarified that woods represent very dense wood in which on very
> manuverable units (troop stands, true cavalry) can traverse with less
> difficulty. In the optional rules section at the end we will and rules
> for more lightly populated woods.
I wood like there to be two types of woods (dense and light) to roll on
the terrain chart, say a 2/3 chance of a wood being dense and 1/3 chance
of it being light.
> No I am not crazy! there are many issues regarding movement and morale
> that need to be clarified before heading to the combat phase!
> Also this next topic is more a vote of the desire of all of you to
> tackle this issue than actually discussing it.FLYERS-do you guys want to
> go for this NOW or disscuss it at a later date? Opinions please!!
I suggest we do flyers at a later date.
> United we stand!
> Peter
Sean Smith
Home - Seans_at_...
Received on Sat Feb 08 1997 - 18:00:06 UTC