Sauron Moridor <sauron1_at_...> came forth and spoke thusly:
>Sauron1 writes;Colen;We NEVER have resortted to tactics like that here. ( So
>I promised I never would,Here anyway )
I wasn't suggesting it, I was just giving an example. You don't really
need to be so paranoid... :o)
> Actually I perfer logging on to a UNIC baissed server anonimusly, and
>doing some thing that way. ( Untraceable, not like the internet )And of
>course if they persist, there is a desist order program to shut him out of
>the net completely. Servers as very mutch like our Majordomo and can be
>given orders from out side sources. Logging on as a system tech is
>relatively easy.
Really? Can they not just start up again with the same name, or some
Colen 'Not Colin' 'Mad Dog' McAlister, Director of N.A.S.A.
(the National Anti-Skaven Alliance), Editor of the Chaos Wastes
Occasionally, a NetCampaign Newspaper, and an R'n'F Member.
You can find me at: | "At any time, at | any place, our snipers
colen_at_... | can drop you. Have a
Join NASA! nasa_at_... | nice day."-- NASA Motto
Received on Tue Nov 25 1997 - 22:55:37 UTC