RE: [Epic] Mega-Gargant Close Combat Weapon/New Ques

From: Miller, Chris <CMiller_at_...>
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 08:52:13 -0600

>> Miller, Chris wrote:
>> >
>> > Now a new one. The Mega lists "3xGun Decks". So, given the 8 fp
>> > this would be 24 fp. It also says "2xKrooz Missiles". Now in SM/TL
>> > were one-shot missiles, but looking at it now, I would assume that
>> > 2 shots per turn. I believe someone mentioned something like this a
>> > while back (Could I be a little more vague?) so what came of it?
>> Aren't the Krooz Missiles Vortexes? If so, vortexes are
>> one-shots by definition (see the description in the Rules Book).
>I checked this out with the GW staff at leeds, and the krooz missiles
>are one shot weapons by definition.

---------> Well, everyone keeps saying it says one-shot in the rules,
but after poring thru the book, it doesn't.Not in the orky army section,
not on the Mega control sheet, and these missiles aren't in the
superheavy weapons section of the rules. They aren't vortexes, as they
are an automatic AT on anything under the marker, not d6 death rays. As
far as "by definition", what definition? Can we assume that anything
labeled as a (singular) "missile" is automatically a one shot? I can
live with it, being a long-time SM/TLer, but so many other assumptions
based on that have been wrong, I can't go with "cause that's the way it
was before".
And, um, ,all you "it's in the rules" people: find me a page number...

Chris Miller
Received on Mon Dec 15 1997 - 14:52:13 UTC

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