RE: [Epic] Mega-Gargant Krooz Ques

From: Kelley, Kevin J., JCS <kevin.kelley_at_...>
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 07:02:25 -0500

> Well, 2 x Krooz Missles, is not "english" its rule-ese. Given that
> most gargants wont last long enuff for a third shot still it does not
> say it is one shot, just one per turn. IMHO this is to keep you from
> firing 2 on turn 1, 2 on turn 2 etc.
> ----------
> From: Alun Gallie[SMTP:gallie_at_...]
> Sent: Monday, December 15, 1997 7:34 PM
> To: space-marine_at_...
> Subject: Re: [Epic] Mega-Gargant Close Combat Weapon/New Ques
> >---------> Well, everyone keeps saying it says one-shot in the rules,
> >but after poring thru the book, it doesn't.Not in the orky army
> section,
> >not on the Mega control sheet, and these missiles aren't in the
> >superheavy weapons section of the rules. They aren't vortexes, as
> they
> >are an automatic AT on anything under the marker, not d6 death rays.
> As
> >far as "by definition", what definition? Can we assume that anything
> >labeled as a (singular) "missile" is automatically a one shot? I can
> >live with it, being a long-time SM/TLer, but so many other
> assumptions
> >based on that have been wrong, I can't go with "cause that's the way
> it
> >was before".
> >And, um, ,all you "it's in the rules" people: find me a page
> number...
> >
> >Chris Miller
> Maybe I'm over simplifiying things, or maybe my english is bad
> (although
> I've been using it my whole life )but page 49 of the armys book states
> 2 x
> Krooz Missles, now this to me means it has 2 MISSLES note. it doesn't
> say 2
> x Krooz Missle Launchers. Then it says it may fire a max of one per
> turn.
> This to me means it has two missles that I may fire one of per turn.
> ie. I
> have two missles, I fire one in a turn (as I can only fire one a turn
> ) I
> now only have 1 missle left.(2 missles - 1 missle = 1 missle) If I
> fire that
> the next trun I have no missles left.
> Ps. The sarcasism that creeps through in this reply was not deliberate
> and
> is not aimed at you Chris. I just wanted to express it as plainly as I
> could. BTW I am an Orc player and would love more Krooz's but feel
> that it
> is very, very creative interpretation to allow it. Can we please get
> this in
> a Q&A Allen so it doesn't keep popping up every month ?
> Cheers
> Alun

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