[Epic] Chaos Daemon models

From: Michael Reed <Reed_at_...>
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 11:52:38 -0000

> From: Erik Malmcrona <erkma_at_...>
> To: space-marine_at_...
> Subject: Re: [Epic] Two 'newbie' questions
> Date: Monday, January 26, 1998 10:25 AM
> And we all know how fast they are, don't we!? :-P
> > >The next problem I face is when trying to base Lesser Daemons...
> > Wait until the tings have come out, at least. Who knows what size
> > they'll be?

I think he means the old metal daemons - I mounted mine on standard
infantry bases. Since they're essentially infantry stands it made sense.

> Yup, but when is that? Any idea?
> And I tried to find any Daemons in the books. But, alas, no luck. :-(

AFAIK, the lesser daemons will be in the plastics set; I remember
seeing the master models for bloodletters and flesh hounds alongside
berserkers and noise marines at Games Day UK last September. I
think there were other daemons, but being a Khornate player I wasn't
paying too much attention to them. The new daemons are the same
size as other infantry, like their 40K counterparts and unlike their
Epic predecessors. I would expect the new greater daemons to be
metal figures (like the hive tyrants and avatar).
The one question this raises is whether Chaos will have one plastic
set or two. Chaos marines (5 types), beastmen (2 flavours), berserkers,
noise marines, 6 flavours of lesser daemons, champions, sorcerors-
that's a lot of figure types to fit in one box, even with one stand of each
per box; it might make more sense to have a plastic set for marines
and another for daemons/beastmen and possibly cultists (a "daemon
world" box).
                                        Mike Reed
Received on Mon Jan 26 1998 - 11:52:38 UTC

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