Re: [Epic] Chaos Daemon models

From: Bloodax218 <Bloodax218_at_...>
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 18:46:04 EST

Tell me about it! i had tried to cast from plastic when i first started
casting stuff (i was 12, not many resources availible...).

Four years ago i found a way to avoid the problems of casting from plastic,
make a plaster or clay mold from the plastic fig, then mold in metal of choice
to use to make the master mold, then its a breeze (well, sorta), cast about
200 tac marines few years back for a friend, sold a few as authentic GW also,

As of now my operations are shut down, i am in the process of streamlining my
setup, new equipment and new molds are on the way! I plan to upgrade my molds
to entire sprue molds, as GW uses, then i'll really be able to rock!

And i don't intend to start a miniature business, so no need to fuss over the
law, all my deals have been incognito.

Erik von Totenreich
Received on Tue Jan 27 1998 - 23:46:04 UTC

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