Re: [Epic] Net Epic - Close combat morale

From: Jason Robinson <ewing_at_...>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997 18:32:04 +0200 (EET)

On Wed, 12 Feb 1997, nethol wrote:
> > I suggest implementing the 1st edition rule of losing close combat.
> > "Any detachment that loses more melees than it wins during a turn
> > must take a morale test in the end phase of the turn." Reasonable?
> > It would work better of course if we had saving throws for infantry
> > as 1st edition had..
> Again, this would make the game like Warhammer. Don't we already have
> enough moral checks? The guys would hardly find time to shoot from
> contemplating if they should run or not. Too many checks makes the game a
> war of chickens. The above suggestion *is* reasonable, as in "realistic",
> however makes the game weaker. We should, of course, seek to imitate
> reality in the tactical issues, but shouldn't forget that we are designing
> a game (and aiming it to be playable), rathet than a simulation.
> > Titan Stomp Attacks
> > "Titans may make stomp attacks against any infantry stands that
> > they move over during the movement phase. Roll a d6 for each stand
> > that is stomped; on a roll of 4 or more the stand is destroyed.
> > Stands with first fire orders may make snap fire attacks before they
> > get stomped, and such attacks will take place inside the titan's
> > void shields."
> Well, stomp attacks are indeed consistent with the build of titans, and
> logical. However, I think such attacks are incorporated in the CAF of
> titans, as strengthening points, if not as graphical definitions.

 Yes, but at the moment titans that walk over infantry detachments dont,
 for some absurd reason, stomp any of the infantry on their way. This
 rule (or some version of it) would correct it.

> > "Vehicles may overrun infantry stands in the open during the movement
> > phase. The stand being overrun may snap fire at the vehicle if it
> > has first fire orders. If the vehicle survives it may make and
> > immediate close combat attack and then carry on moving.
> > A vehicle may only make one overrun per movement phase. However,
> > it may stop after the overrun and attack the stand again in the close
> > combat segment."
> This again should be considered as unseen parts of CC. Besides, Ork
> deathroller class vehicles have this as a specialty. Making this rule
> general would disfavor Ork players. However, Gorgons might be assumed to
> have this ability, and/or deathrollers mights be given the property of
> removing obstacles (maybe in turn for generalization of the above rule).

 As someone said, these specialized vehicles could be given a bonus or
 multiple overruns. Deathroller vehicles can overrun any number of
 enemies at the moment, right?

        - Jason
Received on Thu Feb 13 1997 - 16:32:04 UTC

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