Re: [Epic] Detachments..

From: Sean A. Upchurch <sau_at_...>
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 14:04:18 -0800 (PST)

First off, welcome to the game.

On Mon, 2 Feb 1998, John Brisson wrote:

> Having only made one run on the game so far, I have a Q about the layout of
> Imperial Detachments. I have no IG Infantry but I do have SM Infantry, so
> for my IG I have as follows, 3 Thunderbolt Fliers, 3 Leamon Russ, 3 Hydra
> Flak Tanks and 2 Bombard Heavy Seig Artillery units. What I wonder is how
> to lay out a set of detachments for the artillery so that I can have both
> Bombards and all 3 Hydras. In my first game, I assigned 1 Hyder as
> Commander and put the 2 Bombards in Main Force while the remaining 2 Hydras
> were listed in this wrong? If so, how can I set it up
> correctly?

Ah. What you're looking at is the "Detachment Commander +25 pts" part of the
Detachment List.

What that means is that you nominate a unit *already in the detachment* which
is highest on the chain of command to be the commander. This costs you 25
pts. The easiest way to think of this is that (most) detachments cost you
25pts off the top before you buy anything. Some do not have the "+25" line
(notably Guard Infantry Detachment) so are a bit different.

Also note that for your Space Marines you *do not* have to buy a Captain or
Librarian to command, just that if you do they're the commander since they
are first in the Chain of Command. You still need to add +25 even if you
do buy a Captain though.

To answer your question, I don't think there is a way to do it. NRBH, but
since I built a Guard army just 2 days ago this should be right.

Imperial Guard Artillery Detachment
Detachment HQ 25pts
Main force:
        1 Bombard [Seige Arty]
        1 Bombard [Seige Arty]
        1 Hydra
        1 Hydra

So you are going to have a leftover Hydra as I believe they only come in
Squads of 1 as Support. The actual model that is the HQ would be one of the
Bombards as "Main Force Unit" comes first in the CoC and the Det has 4 models

I'd strongly consider a pack of Basilisks. Sure those Bombards have a big
punch, but your infantry will want arty cover every turn, besides then you'll
have enough Arty to get the spaces to field your Hyra all together.

Let us [the list] know if you have any other questions, and feel free to
e-mail me anytime.

Sean U

Sean A Upchurch
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Sean.Upchurch_at_...
Member of Information Systems and Computer Science Staff - Associate
Received on Mon Feb 02 1998 - 22:04:18 UTC

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